2014 main Yoshida trail opening on track?
Hi Gary,
Do you think the 2014 trail opening is still on track for July 1st 2014 for the main Yoshida trail? I know that earlier in the year there were some record snowfalls across the region, so I wasn't sure if there is more snow on Fuji than usual for this time of year. I also notice that http://www.mountain-forecast.com/peaks/Fuji-san/forecasts/3776 is showing further heavy and moderate snow falls over the next week (first week of June 2014) on the summit.
I'm planning on climbing in early July so I'm keeping a close eye on everything. I'm aware the other trails aren't scheduled to be opened until mid-July, but has the main Yoshida trail ever been delayed opening on July 1st?
So close now, getting exciting. Only three and a half weeks until July 1st!