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Gary J. Wolff's Blog Archives
April-June, 2022

This page shows archived posts for Gary J. Wolff's blog from April-June, 2022.




​​Having recently celebrated 31 years in Japan, I can definitely relate to a number of these responses by other foreigners in Japan to that very important question.

- 55% of people stated that they loved their life in Japan.

- 35% of people said that safety was a big factor in why they are still living in Japan.

- 35% of people said that they stayed in Japan due to COVID-19 restricting their options to move back home or abroad.

- 20% of people interviewed said that they had more job opportunities in Japan than in their home country or another country.

- 11% of people felt that Japan was their home now.

(Source: Metropolis Japan magazine, Summer 2022 issue)

Why are you still in Japan?
Why are you still in Japan?
Click here to read individual responses from foreigners in Japan.
(image credit: Metropolis Japan magazine)

June 17, 2022 - Success is built by what you do, not by what limits you.

Did you know that:

— Albert Einstein was 4 years old before he could speak.

— Issac Newton did poorly in grade school.

— Beethoven’s music teacher once said of him, “as a composer he is

— When Thomas Edison was a boy, his teacher told him he was too stupid
to learn anything.

— F.W. Woolworth got a job in a dry goods store when he was 21, but his employer would not let him wait on customers because he “didn’t have enough sense.”

— Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team.

— A newspaper editor fired Walt Disney because he had “no good ideas.”

— Winston Churchill failed the 6th grade.

— Steven Spielberg dropped out of high school in his sophomore year. He was persuaded to come back and placed in a learning disabled class. He lasted a month and dropped out of school forever.

I don't think we'd consider any of these people a failure. So what allowed them to be successful even amidst struggles?

The answer to that question may be less in what they did do and more in what they didn't do.

(courtesy of Dan Miller, Career Coach & Author of 48 Days to the Work You Love)

Success is built by what you do
Success is built by what you do, not by what limits you.
(photo credit:

June 2, 2022 - Top Gun: Maverick

Without question one of the best movies I’ve seen in years, especially since the onset of the covid plandemic began a couple years ago, was last weekend when I watched Top Gun: Maverick, which opened in Japan last Friday 5/27.

I don’t know what Tom Cruise's secret is, but he’s obviously found the Fountain of Youth as he doesn’t seem to have really aged that much since the original Top Gun movie back in 1986… that’s right… a remarkable THIRTY-SIX YEARS AGO!!

If you’re a Tom Cruise fan, an airplane fan (especially F-14 fighter jets), a U.S. Navy fan, or a fan of action/suspense flicks, you will love this movie. I was on the edge of my seat most of the movie, and I just can’t stop thinking about it.

If you'd like a real adrenaline rush, you owe it to yourself to go see it! 

​​Top Gun: Maverick trailer
(If player above is not visible, you can view video at YouTube here.)
[click on CC button for English subtitles (英語字幕)]

May 22, 2022 - Keisei Rose Garden (京成バラ園)

The 30,000 m2 (7.4 acre), award-winning Keisei Rose Garden in Yachiyo, Chiba, Japan accommodates 10,000 roses of 1,600 varieties. The full blossom seasons are mid-May through early June and mid-October through early November. The most magnificent display of roses I've ever seen in my entire lifetime.

Keisei Rose Garden (京成バラ園)
Keisei Rose Garden (京成バラ園)
(click link above to view full Flickr album)

May 9, 2022 - Burger King Japan's new Salsa & Avocado Smoky Whopper

On the occasion of the May 5th Children’s Day national holiday, I’d like to tip my hat to Burger King founders Jim McLamore and Dave Edgerton, who I feel deserve at least partial credit for the amazing Salsa & Avocado Smoky Whopper I had for lunch, helping make my holiday a smashing success! smiley 美味しかったです (it was delicious)!!

salsa and avocado smoky whopper
Burger King Japan's new Salsa & Avocado Smoky Whopper

Burger King founders
Burger King founders Jim McLamore and Dave Edgerton

April 30, 2022 - World's oldest person dies at age 119

Kane Tanaka, a Japanese woman who was the world’s oldest person, died on Tues. 4/19 at age 119.

She was born on Jan. 2, 1903, the same year of the Wright Brothers’ first powered flight, and was recognized by Guinness World Records in 2019 as the world's oldest living person.

Tanaka had been living in an elderly care facility in Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture in western Japan and died at a local hospital.

Tanaka loved playing the board game Othello and her favorite food items were chocolate and soda drinks. She had reportedly hoped to stay healthy until she was 120, but passed away just a few months short of her goal.

Japan has a dwindling and rapidly aging population. As of Sept. 2021, the country had 86,510 centenarians, and 9 out of every 10 were women.

With Tanaka's death, the world’s oldest human is now Lucile Randon, a French nun known as Sister Andre, aged 118, according to The Gerontology Research Group.

Kane Tanaka
Kane Tanaka, the world's oldest person, dies at age 119
Jan. 2, 1903 - April 19, 2022
(photo credit:

April 3, 2022 - Spring has sprung!!

The springtime flowers in Japan bring a non-stop exhilarating display of brilliant colors and sweet fragrances to titillate the senses. The plum blossoms begin in mid-February, followed by the absolutely breathtaking cherry blossoms, and then a continuous overlapping of blooming periods for azaleas, camellias, wisteria, magnolias, peonies, roses, tulips, pansies, irises, hydrangeas, etc. that last well into mid-summer.

What you see now in the album linked below is just the start, so I'm planning to add more pics to it in the weeks ahead! Stay tuned and check back soon! smiley

2021 spring flowers collage
My 2022 Spring Flowers in Tokyo Flickr album
(click link above to view entire album)

April 1, 2022 - Spring 2022 rape blossoms in Tokyo

​ ​Of all the beautiful, stunning ​spring ​flowers at their peak in Tokyo ​right now, the breathtaking cherry blossoms ​always ​seem to get all the attention, and for good reason, but ​I think ​the brilliant, yellow rape blossom​​s (Nanohana​, ​​​菜の花​)​ are just as beautiful. May the force ​& uplifting spirit ​of spring ​be with you…

Spring 2022 rape blossoms inTokyo
Spring 2022 rape blossoms in Tokyo

Japan-Texas ebook cover thumbnail
A FREE download at Smashwords

Pattaya ebook cover
Only $1.99 at Amazon
(¥214 at アマゾン日本)

Alaska ebook cover
Only $2.99 at Amazon
(¥340 at アマゾン日本)

Summer 1974 hitchhiking trip ebook cover
Only 99¢ at Amazon (¥105 at アマゾン日本)

What's New?

  1. List of Mt. Fuji Mountain Huts (富士山の山小屋)

    Mar 23, 25 09:54 PM

    Listing of Mt. Fuji Yoshida Trail mountain huts, including website URLs, phone numbers, elevations, and sleeping capacities, as well as links to the Fujinomiya trail hut sites.

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  2. New regulations for the 2025 Mt. Fuji climbing season

    Mar 11, 25 10:20 PM

    Common rules for all 4 Mt. Fuji trails for the 2025 climbing season have been announced: * For those without mountain hut reservations, entry will be restricted from 2 p.m. - 3 a.m. during this time…

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  3. Tokyo cherry blossoms will begin blooming on Mar. 24!!

    Mar 06, 25 01:52 AM

    Cherry blossoms can be viewed virtually everywhere in Japan, but the secret of catching them at full bloom is surfing the cherry blossom front, as it progresses from southwest to northeast across the…

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