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Home: Gary J. Wolff's Blog: Gary J. Wolff's Blog Archives, July-Sept. 2010

Gary J. Wolff's Blog Archives
July-Sept. 2010

This page shows archived posts for Gary J. Wolff's blog from July-Sept. 2010.



Sept. 27, 2010 - Videos of my 9/4 - 9/19 Houston vacation

Video 1 - Landing at LAX Airport aboard United Flight 890
Video 2 - Landing & Takeoff from Bush Intercontinental Airport
Video 3 - Minute Maid Park, Houston, Texas (Astros vs. Dodgers)
Video 4 - City park, garage sale, ducks, & San Jacinto Monument & Battleground
Video 5 - Visit to Uncle Bubba's
Video 6 - Lufkin road trip
Video 7 - Landing at Chicago O'Hare Airport aboard United Flight 7284

After video starts, mouse over screen to select the other 6 videos, 
which are in a playlist and will play back-to-back, continuously.
(View all videos at a glance here.)

Sept. 24, 2010 - Pics of my 9/4 - 9/19 Houston vacation

Click here to view pics of my Sept. 4-19, 2010 Houston vacation.

Battleship Texas
                                   Battleship Texas

The USS Texas (BB-35), commissioned in 1914, is the only surviving battleship to have served in both world wars and is the last surviving Dreadnought (the predominant type of 20th-century battleship, featuring an 'all-big-gun' armament and steam turbine propulsion).

The Texas served as flagship for the D-Day Normandy invasion and earned 7 ribbons for her service in World War II.  Its ten 14-inch guns were the largest on any ship at the time, and together with its twenty-one 5-inch guns and four 21-inch submerged torpedo tubes, it was the most powerful battleship in the world.

Among US-built battleships, Texas is notable for her sizable number of firsts: the first US battleship to mount anti-aircraft guns, the first US ship to control gunfire with directors and range-keepers (analog forerunners of today's computers), the first US battleship to launch an aircraft, one of the first in the US Navy to use commercial radar, the first US battleship to become a permanent museum ship, and the first battleship declared to be a US National Historic Landmark
(Sources: various, including Wikipedia).

Sept. 22, 2010 - Ryomaden actors in the NHK TV actor's lounge

Ryomaden actors in the NHK actor's lounge
Ryomaden actors take a breather between scenes
(photo courtesy of Stuart Varnam-Atkin)
(more Ryomaden pics here)

Sept. 4, 2010 - Mt. Jonen-dake, elev. 2857m, Japan's 25th Highest Mountain 

I finally finished my webpage (pls. click on the link above & have a look when you get a chance!).

Ichinosawa mountain stream
Mt. Jonen-dake was the final mountain on my list of the 25 highest mountains in Japan and the easiest and most accessible of all of Japan's highest peaks.

Aug. 31, 2010 - My video of climbing Mt. Jonen-dake

My hike to the top of Mt. Jonen-dake, elev. 2857m, in the Northern Japan Alps on Aug. 22, 2010. Includes the beautiful Ichinosawa Valley & mountain stream, the Jonen-goya mountain hut, the most stunning view of Mt. Oku-hotaka-dake & Mt. Yari-ga-take I've ever seen, and some very lively Japanese hikers, starting around the 2:45 min. mark.
(More details on the 25 highest mountains in Japan)  
(View video on a separate page here.)

Aug. 29, 2010 - My pics of Mt. Jonen-dake, elev. 2857m, Japan's 25th Highest Mountain

Click here to view pics of my Aug. 22, 2010 hike.

Oku-hotaka-dake & Yari-ga-take
Mt. Oku-hotaka-dake & Mt. Yari-ga-take, 3rd & 5th highest
mountains in Japan, respectively, Northern Japan Alps

Aug. 26, 2010 - America's rapidly deteriorating economy:

U.S. unemployment rate
The U.S. unemployment rate doubled from 4.6% in Jan. 2007 to 9.7% in May 2010. Over 31 million Americans are hurting! (Source:

Aug. 23, 2010 - Atop Mt. Jonen-dake, Japan's 25th highest mountain

Atop Mt. Jonen-dake, Japan's 25th highest mountain
The peak above my head is Mt. Yari-ga-dake, Japan's 5th
highest mountain, which is known as the "Matterhorn of Japan."
(more info on the 25 highest mountains in Japan)

Aug. 3, 2010 - Katsushika, Tokyo Fireworks Display held July 27, 2010

Don't miss the amazing finale starting at the 8:42 min. mark. Best viewed on a full PC screen in a darkened room. Regrettably, YouTube has silenced my video due to the background music I chose. Bummer!

2010 Katsushika, Tokyo Fireworks Display
(If player above is not visible, you can view video at YouTube here.)

July 27, 2010 - My videos of Langkawi, Malaysia

Video 1 - Underwater World (1/2)
Video 2 - Underwater World (2/2)
Video 3 - Langkawi Cable Car
Video 4 - Seven Wells Waterfall
Video 5 - Malaysian Butterfly at Seven Wells Waterfall
Video 6 - Mangrove Forest River Cruise
Video 7 - Tengah Beach
Video 8 - Aseania Resort Langkawi  
Video 9 - Imperial Seafood Restaurant, Cenang
Video 10 - Cave of Bats
Video 11 - Laser light show in front of the Cabin Resort Langkawi
Video 12 - Kuah Town night market food stalls
Video 13 - Arrival of the Sea Jet 2 at the Kuah Town ferry terminal
Video 14 - Eagle feeding, monkey feeding, & blowfish feeding

After video starts, mouse over screen to select the other 13 videos,
which are in a playlist and will play back-to-back, continuously.
(View all videos at a glance here.)
(more details on my Langkawi, Malaysia travel)

July 24, 2010 - My pics of Langkawi, Malaysia

Langkawi, which means "reddish brown eagle" in the colloquial Malay language, is a cluster of 99 exotic tropical islands in far northwestern Malaysia which has been designated a World Geopark by UNESCO.

Langkawi offers some of the world's best-kept secrets -- secluded coves and long stretches of white sandy beaches. Washed by the calm turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea, the islands are covered with age-old rainforests and home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna.

Langkawi Eagle at Eagle Square in Kuah Town
The famous Langkawi eagle(s) at Eagle Square in Kuah Town

Click here to view all of the pics of my July 15-19, 2010 vacation to Langkawi. Enjoy!

(more details on my Langkawi, Malaysia travel)

July 9, 2010 - Japanese mother kidnaps children from American father

Kynan and Noah

"My name is Aiko, and I just turned 13. Can I ask you to help me find my brothers? Noah is almost 10 and Kynan is almost seven. At the end of March 2010, my mother kidnapped us from our own home and forced us to take new names. After 20 days, I was able to escape, contact my father, and be rescued.

However, my brothers are still captive, and their whereabouts are unknown. My mother is very abusive and unstable, so I am really worried about my brothers. They are most probably still in the Tokyo area. Please let me know if you see boys who look like them. Please help. Please."

July 5, 2010 - Hot dog eating champ Kobayashi arrested in New York City

Takeru Kobayashi
(AP Photo/Nick Jesdanun)

Six-time hot dog eating contest champion Takeru Kobayashi, center, of Japan, is taken into custody by New York police officers after he jumped on stage at the end of the hot dog eating contest in New York's Coney Island on Sunday, July 4, 2010. (Source: Associated Press)

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