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Gary J. Wolff's Blog Archives
July-September, 2022

This page shows archived posts for Gary J. Wolff's blog from July-September, 2022.



Sept. 23, 2022 - My 2022 Texas vacation pics!

For the first time in 3 years, I was able to visit my home state of Texas. It was an action-packed experience and very culturally rewarding. laughing icon

I hope you enjoy my pics! If you have time, you can view the entire Flickr album here: My 2022 Texas vacation pics!

My 2022 Texas vacation pics!

Sept. 16, 2022 - Sunrise over the Edo River in Tokyo, Japan

Sunrise over the Edo River in Tokyo, Japan
Friday, Sept. 16, 2022, 5:48 am

Sept. 14, 2022 - ​​Engineering Student Leadership Service Award

In 1970 the Student Engineering Council of the University of Texas at Austin established the Student Leadership Award in Engineering. Each year 6 awards are presented and each recipient receives a framed certificate and a $200 check, which is presented at a luncheon ceremony during Engineering Week.

Their names are recorded on a permanent plaque displayed in the Engineering Student Services office in the Engineering Education and Research Center on the UT Austin campus.

Engineering Student Leadership Service Award

More details here: Engineering Student Leadership Service Award, University of Texas at Austin

Aug. 11, 2022 - Peak season for Obanazawa Suika watermelons in Yamagata

In this photo, watermelons in the Japan Agricultural Cooperatives facility in Obanazawa, Yamagata Prefecture, are being inspected for quality before being shipped out across the country. This is the busiest time of the year when up to 40,000 Obanazawa Suika watermelons are being shipped every day. WOW!! This city is one of the largest watermelon growing regions in Japan.

Obanazawa watermelons
Obanazawa Suika watermelons
(photo credit:

July 31, 2022 - Big Bear's new CD released July 10th!

Congrats to my musician friend Mr. Hidekazu Okuma (大熊秀和), whom we affectionately refer to as Big Bear (the English translation of his family name Okuma), on the release of his band's latest CD on July 10th.

I’ve been following and supporting Big Bear's music for the past 15 years and his "Big Bears" group is without question one of the hottest rock bands in Katsushika, Tokyo.

He is the lead singer and guitarist of his band and wrote 5 of the 7 songs on their new CD. He also sings 4 of the ​​CD's songs in English, including an excellent rendition of “Crossroads," the classic hit from the 60s by Eric Clapton and his band Cream.

Way to go, Big Bear! I hope you sell lots of CDs…

"The Freedom" CD by Big Bears, released July 10, 2022
(If player above is not visible, you can view Big Bear's entire YouTube playlist here.)

0:00 I Love Southbay
5:41 We're The Child of God
9:16 Freedom
12:57 Working Man
19:05 Crossroads
23:30 Everyday I Have The Blues
28:01 I Love Southbay (Bossa Nova)

July 17, 2022 - Ruy Ueda sets new world record for running up and down Mt. Fuji’s 4 trails in less than 10 hours

"28-year-old Japanese athlete Ruy Ueda has set a new Fastest Known Time (FKT) for running all of Mount Fuji’s four trails non-stop, a total distance of 57.06km with 6,772m of ascent. He completed the feat in nine hours, 55 minutes and 41 seconds, a world record when ratified....

....He finished third in the 2021 Skyrunning World Championships. That same year he became the first Asian Skyrunning World Champion after winning the Men’s Vertical Kilometer in Lleida, Spain. To prepare his body for this challenge, Ueda travelled to the Alps and trained with ultrarunner Florian Neuschwander, competing in Austria’s Hochkönigman, where he won the downhill race, and France’s Mont Blanc marathon, where he came in third."

An animation at the beginning of this video shows his route:


Ruy Ueda - Fujisan
Ruy Ueda sets new world record for running up and down Mt. Fuji’s 4 trails in less than 10 hours
(photo credit: Suguru Saito/Red Bull Content Pool)

July 9, 2022 - Rest in peace, former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (安倍晋三首相)

As we come to grips with yesterday's appalling tragedy here in Japan and reflect back on former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's many accolades, including becoming the youngest post-war Prime Minister and being the longest serving Japanese Prime Minister in history, I was reminded of his ​​tireless efforts thru the years to promote and solidify the special friendship between Japan and the U.S., including his address 7 years ago to a joint meeting of the U.S. Congress in nearly flawless English. R.I.P, Abe-san…

​​Prime Minister Abe's Address to the U.S. Congress in May 2015
(If player above is not visible, you can view video at YouTube here.)

July 2, 2022 - ​​​Mt. Fuji's 2022 climbing season opens on July 1!

SHOW TIME! The Yoshida trail on the Yamanashi Prefecture side of Mount Fuji opened yesterday on July 1, a day known as Yamabiraki (山開き), marking the beginning of the summer Mt. Fuji mountain climbing season that will continue through Sept. 10.

Fujisan Yamabiraki - July 1, 2022
Mt. Fuji climbers enjoyed sunrise from its summit on July 1, 2022.
(photo credit: The Mainichi Newspaper)

More details on Mt. Fuji's 2022 climbing season are on my Climbing Mt. Fuji (富士山) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

Japan-Texas ebook cover thumbnail
A FREE download at Smashwords

Pattaya ebook cover
Only $1.99 at Amazon
(¥214 at アマゾン日本)

Alaska ebook cover
Only $2.99 at Amazon
(¥340 at アマゾン日本)

Summer 1974 hitchhiking trip ebook cover
Only 99¢ at Amazon (¥105 at アマゾン日本)

What's New?

  1. List of Mt. Fuji Mountain Huts (富士山の山小屋)

    Mar 23, 25 09:54 PM

    Listing of Mt. Fuji Yoshida Trail mountain huts, including website URLs, phone numbers, elevations, and sleeping capacities, as well as links to the Fujinomiya trail hut sites.

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  2. New regulations for the 2025 Mt. Fuji climbing season

    Mar 11, 25 10:20 PM

    Common rules for all 4 Mt. Fuji trails for the 2025 climbing season have been announced: * For those without mountain hut reservations, entry will be restricted from 2 p.m. - 3 a.m. during this time…

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  3. Tokyo cherry blossoms will begin blooming on Mar. 24!!

    Mar 06, 25 01:52 AM

    Cherry blossoms can be viewed virtually everywhere in Japan, but the secret of catching them at full bloom is surfing the cherry blossom front, as it progresses from southwest to northeast across the…

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GW's road trip ebook cover
Only 99¢ from Amazon
(¥114 at アマゾン日本)

new Climbing Mt. Fuji book
Only $2.99 at Amazon
(¥343 at アマゾン日本)

Only $2.99 at Amazon
(¥343 at アマゾン日本)