A New Zealand Story My Brother Experienced
by Yasuha Yoshihara
My younger brother's host family in New Zealand
I have never been to New Zealand, but my brother has. He stayed in Wellington as an exchange student for a year. When I asked him about his experience, I got to know many differences between New Zealand and Japan.
First, the summer in New Zealand is not humid. So it is comfortable to live there. But you should put on a hat, because the rays of the sunlight is much stronger than in Japan.
Second, houses are bigger. Each one of the houses has a front yard and backyard. So he said that he could play soccer there!
Finally, club activity is not required. In Japan, you have to do your club activity every day after school and even on every weekend. It is very hard.
My younger brother has been changed after going to New Zealand. He became a mentally stronger, more considerate, unique, and talkative person. His experience in New Zealand has had an influence on his life. So I would like to go there someday.
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