Any recommendations on booking a mountain hut, many which are rapidly becoming fully booked?
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Any recommendations on booking a mountain hut, many which are rapidly becoming fully booked?

by Cory


I have enjoyed your website while planning a trip to Japan with my wife and son. My son is graduating from high school, wanted to go to Japan to take it all in and climb Mt Fuji on August 29/30.

We have had our alarms set to book space but it hasn't worked out. I tried to book a room for 3 at Horaikan but only got a room for 2. Then tried to get back in and book a single and it was already sold out.

Another hut opened the same night, and I missed out. Tried another one and got hung up on the Taro name and missed it.

My next plan is to try to get a single for myself at Ganso Muro or Toyokan while my wife and son stay at Horaikan. Is that our best bet? Or would you recommend something else?

Thank you!!


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May 14, 2024
Thank you!
by: Cory

Thanks, Gary, for the quick response and information! I will keep at it and hopefully get it squared away.

Thank you for all of the information you make available!

Keep up the great work!


May 14, 2024
Perhaps Fuji-ichikan is a possibility
by: Gary Wolff

Cory, if it’s not permitted for the 3 of you to stay in the same room for 2 (you might inquire if that’s possible, since you’re all the same family), and you aren’t successful getting into Ganso Muro which starts accepting reservations on the 15th, you might try their sister hut, Fuji-ichikan (also accepts reservations starting on the 15th).

The problem with Fuji-ichikan, though, is it's 350m in elevation below Horai-kan. And the problem with Toyokan is their online reservations don't start till June 3, and I’m guessing by then almost all huts will be fully booked... and it will be even more of a free-for-all then trying to get into Toyokan on June 3.

I’m afraid I don’t have any other brilliant thoughts for you today, :-) but I hope it all works out. What a great thing you’re doing for your son.

Happy trails and thanks for visiting my site…


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