Are buses from Kawaguchiko to the Mt. Fuji 5th Station crowded?
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Are buses from Kawaguchiko to the Mt. Fuji 5th Station crowded?

by Jacqueline

Hi! My friends and I are climbing in early July and we're currently deciding on transportation; the bus with the timeframe we wanted is already booked, so we are looking at going from Shinjuku to Kawaguchiko and then taking the local bus to the 5th station.

Since there are no reserved tickets, I'm just wondering if it's ever an issue getting tickets for the local bus from Kawaguchiko to 5th station? In case it's crowded and all the tickets are sold out. Especially since we are planning to get to Kawaguchiko and right away buy the tickets for the next available bus.

Or is it usually never that crowded? I'd appreciate any help! Thank you!

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Jun 20, 2018
They can be!
by: Gary Wolff

Yes, Jacqueline, the Kawaguchiko to Mt. Fuji 5th Station buses can get quite crowded, depending on the day and time of day that you're climbing. I'd be sure to avoid the July 14-16 Umi no Hi holiday weekend.

To increase your chances of getting a seat, you might think about trying to get on at Fujisan Station rather than Kawaguchiko Station, as that appears to be where the buses start.

If you can't get on the bus, you might be able to catch a taxi (~¥12,000 1-way to the 5th Station), which if you share with your friends, won't be so expensive.

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