Are there any log books at the summits of Japanese mountains?
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Are there any log books at the summits of Japanese mountains?

by Òscar
(Barcelona, Spain)

Hi Mr. Wolff,

I would like to know if there are any log books (or summit registers) at the top of the Japanese mountains, or at least in the huts or any other places near the mountains? Is it a common tradition in Japan, as in other areas in the world?

Thanks and congrats for the blog and the book!!

Òscar (Barcelona - Spain)

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May 10, 2015
by: Òscar

Hi Gary, thank you very much for the quick response!
It is a big surprise, because in other places like USA or Germany they are really keen on maintaining this tradition in their summits.
I searched in the Japanese Alpine Club website, if there were any alpine museums where to find something, and I found in a web site the Omachi Alpine Museum ( where there is a photo at the bottom in which appears an interesting mountaineering stuff...(perhaps are there any ancient summit registers there?). There is also another museum ( Well don't worry about it! Seeing your deep experience, it is clear that it is not a current tradition.

P.S.: This inquiry is about a kind of article that I am writing related to the summit registers in all around the world.

Best Regards and thank you again!


May 09, 2015
Don't think so
by: Gary Wolff

Hola, Oscar! Good question.

Back in the cobwebs of my aging brain, I seem to recall signing some kind of register at the summit of one of Japan's highest peaks, but it was so long ago, I couldn't tell you which one. :-)

As a rule though, I don't think it's a Japanese custom.

Thanks for stopping by and for your nice comments.

¡Hasta la vista!


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