Are there any small mountains in Japan to climb?
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Are there any small mountains in Japan to climb?

by Richard
(Sheffield, England)

I will be in japan for 2 weeks at the end of April/ beginning of May and I am looking for a small mountain to climb.

As I am with someone who is less experienced at walking long distance I am wanting to find a small mountain that can be done in a day which isn't dangerous. I've seen there is places in Daisetsuzan National Park that have lifts so I thought maybe hike up and lift down but I have a feeling this isn't going to be genuine enough?

Any suggestions?

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Dec 24, 2014
Mt. Takao is a good day hike in the Tokyo area
by: Gary Wolff

Richard, I'd recommend Mt. Takao, less than an hour by train from Tokyo:

Also, there are a number of hiking clubs that organize easy day hikes in the Tokyo area. Here are just a couple:

Jambo International:

Outdoor Club Japan:

And although it hasn't been updated in a while, this blog by a friend describes "not so famous" hikes near Japan's capital:

You can also check out the "Hiking in Japan" group @ Facebook:
The members are very helpful & supportive there.

Sorry, I'm not that familiar with Daisetsuzan and other hikes in Hokkaido. Have a nice trip...

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