Australian unique wildlife
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Australian unique wildlife

by Chen Yining
(Chengdu, Sichuan, China)



Australia is the largest island, but smallest continent on earth. Mainland Australia was separated from other continents 50 million years ago, so now we can find a lot of special wildlife in Australia, like kangaroos, koalas, echidna, wombats, and platypus.

Female kangaroos have a pouch for carrying baby kangaroos. They are very good at jumping and most kangaroos are very strong and tall. I think sometimes they may be a little dangerous to people.

The koala is very famous, and I believe everybody in the world knows them. They have large fur ears and a black nose, and the adult koala puts the baby koala on their back when they are climbing trees.

Platypus are mammals, but different from other mammals. They lay eggs instead of giving birth to live young. Platypus has feet and a bill like a duck and a furry body. They are so unique that when scientists first found them in Australia 200 years ago, they did not believe their eyes, and even tried to pull their “fake” bill off.

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