Can I buy a fully stamped Mt. Fuji walking stick?
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Can I buy a fully stamped Mt. Fuji walking stick?

by Harold K. Newcom
(Pleasureville, Kentucky, USA)

I had one when I did the climb back in 1989 but mine was stolen from me and I would Love to have one so I can remember the good old days.

To me it was a once in a life time event that I will never get to do again. So please tell I can get one it would bring so much joy back to my life.

Thank you Very much
HK Newk

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Oct 10, 2024
Fuji walking stick
by: Anonymous

I am looking to replaced a fully stamped Fuji walking stick from 1970s

Oct 30, 2023
1970 fully stamped mt fuji walking stick authentic
by: Anonymous

I have a 1970 fully stamped authentic fuji stick for sale

Oct 06, 2022
1998 Mt Fuji Branded Walking Stick
by: Gary Wolff

Sweet wifey, you may wish to cross post your inquiry over on this page (on this same site)...

Can I purchase a Mt. Fuji climbing stick outside of Japan?

...which has a much more active, ongoing discussion on Mt. Fuji walking sticks.

Best wishes and thanks for visiting my site...

Oct 01, 2022
1998 Mt Fuji Branded Walking Stick
by: Sweet wifey

This is a long shot, but my husband climbed Mt Fuji summer of 98. He held onto his stick until he had gotten on the plane and they told him that they would have to take it, he never got it back. How do you lose a walking stick on a plane?? Anyway, I am taking a huge chance, would ANYONE have a 1998 walking stick, branded, from Mt Fuji that I can finally get him back those memories to explain? I have almost lost him a few times now and I want to hear all the stories before we ever have to say goodbye. Someone please please please help me or find me someone who can.

Oct 08, 2020
by: Anonymous

My father climbed MT FUJI back in 1980 while deployed to the region and talks about his time spent in the region and the things he enjoyed while being there. He also has a few choice words about how the stick was "LOST" during his transfer from his post in Okinawa to state side. I would like to be able to give him a 1980 or close to it replacement. I know it would not be same as what he had but I think it would be a great item to show the grand kids while he talks about his days as a NAVY SEABEE. I would be interested in purchasing a stamped walking stick from the late 70's or early 80's.
Thank you

Sep 10, 2018
Fuji walking stick
by: Dennis Copson

I have exactly what you are looking for.

Feb 12, 2018
Harold, check out this other page on my website.
by: Gary Wolff

Harold, you might want to post your question on this page about purchasing Fuji walking sticks outside of Japan, which recently has been one of the most popular pages on my site: Can I purchase a Mt. Fuji climbing stick outside of Japan?

Occasionally, site visitors mention stamped Fuji walking sticks for sale there.

Best wishes...


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