Can I get stamps at night, and do they start stamping sticks from station 1 or not until station 5?
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Can I get stamps at night, and do they start stamping sticks from station 1 or not until station 5?

by Mike

I'm planning on hiking Mount Fuji and was considering doing the traditional hike from station 1. Will I be able to get stamps starting at this station, also do they stamp walking sticks at night? Thanks for the help!


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Aug 06, 2015
Not at night
by: Anonymous

Hi Mike,
I just see your question and climb yesterday night (Bullet climb) mount Fuji on Fujinomiya trail. What I saw was (from 5th station) almost all huts very quiet. As they start to wake up people around 3h30 or 4h00 in the morning you may find stamp service around this hours. BUT no hurry ... you can made you stick stamped on your way down and get the "red stamp" from the summit temple (that what I do). All huts are open and fully operationnal. As it's in the morning and sun is very hot, you'll probably be happy to stop at each station to refresh yourself.
If you buy your stick at any 5th station it will be already stamped from 1st station.
Hope you'll have a safe and happy climb. Good luck

Jul 13, 2015
Not sure
by: Gary Wolff

Mike, I'm not sure about either question, but I'm unaware of any Mt. Fuji mountain huts below Sato-goya @ the Yoshida-guchi 5th station.

Huts are privately-run, so I imagine each hut's policy on which hours they stamp walking sticks is different. But during the peak climbing season, in view of all the climbers who scale the peak @ night, and depending on their staffing levels, I guess there's a possibility some huts try to keep their branding irons fired up 24/7, but I seriously doubt it.

Good luck...

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