Can we climb Mt. Fuji in October?
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Can we climb Mt. Fuji in October?

by Jessica
(New York)

Hello Gary, we are looking at climbing Mt Fuji in the first week of October and have been doing some research on your site including reading the FAQ, i haven't found anything matching what we are trying to do, but apologies if these questions have already been answered. We have done a little bit of research but we have few holes in our knowledge.

We have done quite a lot hiking, but we can see this is a little out of season so do you think we are still ok to do independently (i.e. without a guide)?

We can see there are several trails up the mountain, is there one in particular you would recommend at this time of year please?

Out of season do the bus and trains still run to get us to the starting point of the trail/s please?

Accommodation wise the highest hut still open appears to be the Taiyo kan hut, is this true, and how would you recommend booking a spot here please?

Thank you,


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Sep 19, 2016
Not advisable
by: Gary Wolff

"Although it is possible to climb Mt. Fuji outside of the official climbing season (with permission from the Yamanashi Police Dept.), it is not recommended, as most facilities, including most mountain huts, are closed; weather conditions are unstable and unpredictable; rescue personnel are limited, climbing conditions may be extremely hazardous; and public transportation access is minimal."

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