Can we hire a taxi for the Fuji Subaru 5th station at midnight to hike up the Yoshida Trail for the 4 am sunrise?
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Can we hire a taxi for the Fuji Subaru 5th station at midnight to hike up the Yoshida Trail for the 4 am sunrise?

by American climber
(Ohio, USA)

Hi, I am from the US and struggling to find an answer to my question online and really need help. We will be arriving from Tokyo on July 20th at 20:00 (8pm), so we will be too late to get the last bus.

We were hoping to hire a taxi to go to the Subaru 5th station at midnight to begin our hike up Yoshida Trail to see sunrise at 4AM. Is this toll road closed at night? Can taxis not drive? Is there another way? Can we still start our hike at midnight another way?

Please help. Thank you.

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Jul 10, 2023
Thank you.
by: American climber

Okay, thank you so much for the reply. We do a lot of hiking around the world including some high altitude in South America and Europe. With that said, we certainly wouldn’t want to injure ourselves.

And on top of it all, if the road is closed, I’m not sure it will be possible for us to get there. Thank you again for the reply.

We will have to reconsider.

Jul 10, 2023
The ​Fuji ​Subaru toll road is closed every night from 6 pm till 3 am.
by: Gary Wolff

Because this year's climbing season is the first since the lifting of COVID-related international travel restrictions & serious concerns voiced by national park and government officials about the increasing number of bullet climbers (especially 1st-time climbers of Mt. Fuji from overseas), the ​Fuji ​Subaru toll road will be closed every night from 6 pm till 3 am during this climbing season and I believe that includes taxis:

You would be well advised to read more details about the dangers of bullet climbing, including susceptibility to altitude sickness, hypothermia, slipping and falling, and dislodging boulders that tumble down and injure or kill climbers below.

More details on the dangers of bullet climbing, including the possible lethal condition known as cerebral edema, or swelling of the brain caused by excessive fluid buildup, are here:
I plan to climb all night to catch the sunrise from the Mt. Fuji summit, but I've heard this is unsafe.

Also, in my humble opinion there’s nothing magical about seeing the sunrise from the summit, when in fact it can be viewed on the Yoshida trail virtually anywhere above the 5th station.

Furthermore, unless your name is Superman, :-) I don’t think it’s realistic to assume you can climb from the 5th station to the top of the Yoshida trail in only 4 hours, especially if you are delayed 10-15 minutes a number of times where the trail bottlenecks in the more congested, steeper trail sections.

I suggest a Plan B.... hopefully one at a much more leisurely pace that won't place you & others in danger.

Best wishes to you for a safe climb and thanks for visiting my site...

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