Can we leave our backpack in the mountain hut when we go up to the Mt. Fuji summit?
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Can we leave our backpack in the mountain hut when we go up to the Mt. Fuji summit?

by Sylvia

Hi Gary. Can we leave our backpacks in the mountain hut when we go up to the summit? Of course we will collect it on the way down.

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Sep 26, 2014
Fujiyoshida, Japan hotel deals
by: Gary Wolff

Bless you, Sylvia. It's my pleasure.

Here's a link to some deals on Fujiyoshida hotels near the northern base of Fuji-san: Fujiyoshida hotel deals

Have a great trip...

Sep 25, 2014
Thank you very much
by: Sylvia

Thank you very much Gary.
I have actually planned to climb Mt. Fuji next year between 6-10 July. I've booked my flight. I'm giving myself ample time to prepare for the climb. I intend to start from the base. My plan is to put a night near the base, any suggestions? Then take an early bus to start from the shrine. I will put a night at a mountain hut on the 7th station then continue in the midnight for the summit.
I made up this plan after reading all the FAQ. Thank you very much for all the useful information especially for your efforts to update and answer questions. No matter how silly the question is. You have created a very useful site. Really thankful to you.

Sep 25, 2014
Not sure, but I doubt it...
by: Gary Wolff

Sylvia, most people who climb Mt. Fuji don't really have "backpacks," but medium to large-size daypacks.

While other mountain huts in Japan's high country will allow you to do that on a case-by-case basis, in general I believe Mt. Fuji mountain hut owners would frown on it, in view of the huts' limited size and the fact that around 300,000 people climb the most visited mountain in the world during the July to mid-September climbing season alone.

But I assume every hut's policy is different, so if you've already paid to stay there (even to rest for a few hours), it's always possible they might allow it. If you have a particular hut in mind, you could always call (or skype) them to confirm it.

Please be mindful though that this year's official climbing season has already finished as of Sept. 14, and all Mt. Fuji mountain huts above the 6th Station will have closed by the end of this month:

Best wishes...

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