Can we take our baby up Mt. Fuji?
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Can we take our baby up Mt. Fuji?

by Beau
(Tokyo, Japan)

My family and I were planning on climbing Mount Fuji in a couple of weeks, and my wife had asked about taking our baby up the mountain. I've asked around, but the answers mostly come from modern glass minded people; who look at me in shock like I was asking about skydiving with a baby. Have you ever seen hikers with younger children around 1 or 2 yrs. old on Mt. Fuji (or similar altitude mountains?)

Thanks for your time and help.

July 20, 2012


Beau, I hope you're joking.....



I read that portion of the FAQ, but I'm wondering about a baby that would be in a pack, and not walking herself. our options were to do it now, when she is still small, and can be easily carried, or wait a couple years. I completely agree with not taking toddlers, up the mountain, because it is quite the workload. I've done a lot of backpacking growing up, and I would be carrying our daughter in a pack. I was just thinking more about the altitude sickness and what not.


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Apr 09, 2016
Taking a baby up Mt. Fuji
by: Anonymous


About 16 years ago my husband and I did climb Mt. Fuji the 1st of September with our toddler in a Kelty pack. We got to the 8th station. Everything was totally fine, taking breaks to hydrate and massage our girl at each station.

I was pretty naive about altitude sickness and it never even occurred to us. Stupid! We all were fine. It was the experience of a lifetime. I wouldn't risk it again. I couldn't do it

I wondered if you went, Beau? This is an old post. Thank God we get wiser with years, and our girl was fine.

Aug 12, 2013
Altitude sickness
by: Edwina Byrne

Hi there,

I am an adventurous mum with a young family and experience in hiking at altitude. Mt. Fuji is not quite 4000m, but the effects of altitude sickness can occur in some people above 2500m where oxygen levels reduce. It starts with symptoms similar to a hangover, and can affect people mild to severe. So it is a little dependent on the age of the child - whether they could clearly communicate how they are feeling to you. I happily haul my 12-month old up small cliffs/rock climbs but I would not risk Mt. Fuji. What if he was sleeping when the symptoms first set in? Or I misread "fussy" as "food/nappy/sleep"?

Altitude sickness is quickly solved by descending (or by taking diamox). The bigger worry is it can be a precursor to the more severe forms of altitude sickness called HACE/HAPE which is fluid on the lungs or brain as you continue. HACE/HAPE can kill within hours if you do not immediately descend and get treated.

I don't think it's worth the risk - wait till they are older and have the thrill of walking with you. I certainly don't keep mine in cotton wool, but would consider this too risky.

Hope this helps and always great to hear of travelers with babies and toddlers in tow.

Aug 06, 2013
I have seen one
by: Duc Su

As a matter a fact, I have seen one first-hand this year in August while I was doing my night hike. It was an international couple with a baby. I would say he was no older than 2. The dad was carrying him with a baby carrier while the mom carried the backpack. I think it would be an awesome experience, but a big risk for the baby and or the parents if it was their first time.

I saw them around the 6th station and everything seemed to be cool until he started to cry. I am not sure why he was crying, but the parents had to stop and calm him down. I never saw them again afterwards. Whether they made it to the top or had to turn around, I do not know.

Jan 07, 2013
Don't risk it
by: Anonymous

Because your baby is too young to be able to let you know that she can't breathe, or if she is experiencing altitude sickness, I would not risk it. There are other nice hikes you could take with her on your back. Climb Mt. Fuji with her when she is older, but be prepared to go slowly, eat and drink constantly, stop often, and carry her gear. I saw many very weary kids sleeping alongside the trail.

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