Can you recommend a hotel near Mt. Fuji?
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Can you recommend a hotel near Mt. Fuji?

by Patt

This is an amazing site! Thank you for your efforts to educate the masses about Mt. Fuji, truly extraordinary.

Perhaps I overlooked it, but my daughter and I would prefer to stay at an hotel near Fuji the night before, adapt, start out at station 5 around 7 am and climb to the summit and back. At the end our day, return to an onsen hotel. Our plans are to climb 7/25/18.

Hoping you can enlighten us! Thanks.


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Jun 12, 2018
Thank you!
by: Patt


Thank you! I’m grateful for your quick response.

Happy trails,


Jun 12, 2018
You might try Hostel Mt. Fuji
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Patt.

I’m not really up-to-date these days on hotels or onsens near Mt. Fuji, with just one exception.

A Texas man who’s climbed Fujisan multiple times and graciously shared his story in my "Climbing Mt. Fuji" book has a friend who runs this hostel near Fujisan Station:

You might also try Airbnb.

As for transport to the 5th Station, I think you’ll find all you need here:

Happy trails...


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