CityCat - River and People
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CityCat - River and People

by Tomoko Oyama
(Saitama, Japan)

I have been to Brisbane to attend a study English program held by UEC. It was soon after the flooding of the Brisbane River in January, 2011.

During my stay in Brisbane, I experienced so many things, like holding koalas, seeing many animals, and going on a trip to the Gold Coast.

What I was surprised at was the "CityCat," the ferry going around Brisbane and people using it like trains or buses. "Cat" means "catamaran," a ship that is geometry-stabilized. It is one of the major forms of transportation for people, so that some students came to school by them. Soon after the flood, some terminals were washed away and some places could not get in.

I saw a lot of photos at the exhibition of the flood at the science museum, and I found that the river meanders through the city and how terrible the damage was.

I got on it at night, and I saw beautiful sights of the city and some bridges. It was so comfortable and exciting to feel cool air and speed going down the Brisbane River.

So if you have a chance, please try it.

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