Copacabana - Beautiful Beach
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Copacabana - Beautiful Beach

by Yuka

When I hear "Brazil," I imagine the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, a lot of parties, beautiful and sexy girls, and beaches. I've never been there, but I wanna go and stay there for a while.

I really like the life next to the beach, so I chose to write about Copacabana Beach which is one of the places that I wanna live someday.

It's in Rio de Janeiro and faces the Atlantic. The total length of the beach is about 4km, and they have white sand and blue ocean. (This is the information from Wikipedia!)

From the pictures, I can see there are a lot of people enjoying the sun, drinking beers, and spending time with their friends.

Especially the night of New Year's Eve seems like amazing, and there are breathtaking fireworks on that beach. You should go out, putting on a white dress to wish next year's luck and peace.

Thank you for reading! I hope you like Copacabana Beach too.

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May 13, 2013
great place
by: Hikaru

Wow, what a wonderful story!!
I really wanna go and see such a beautiful sea;)

Thank you for sharing us such a grateful place!!

May 13, 2013
by: Yui Fujisawa

Your pictures―with the blue sea in the daytime and the light reflected in the sea surface at night-are so beautiful!

I have never been to Brazil,too.But if I have a chance to go there,I want to go to and see Copacabana :-)

Thank you for letting me know this wonderful place!

May 09, 2013
Copacabana Beach is one of the places that I wanna live someday.
by: Gary Wolff

Great story, Yuka!

I also wanna live next to a beach someday, but I doubt it'll be in Brazil.

In the past few years, I've traveled to some pretty awesome Pacific islands, and my search for the perfect beach continues. :-)

Thx, Yuka, for sharing such a beautiful place...

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