Does the Mt. Fuji Yoshida Trail open on July 1st at exactly 12 am?
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Does the Mt. Fuji Yoshida Trail open on July 1st at exactly 12 am?

by Pourush
(United States)

Dear Gary,

​​I have been in a fix about my Fujisan climb and want to seek advice from you. It would be great if you could help me. So I'm in Tokyo for an internship till July 8, 2018, which is a Sunday, after which I'll be flying to India. The Yoshida trail opens on July 1 which is too a Sunday.

Since I have to get to work on Monday, it will not be possible for me to stay overnight in one of the huts. Also, I don't think the Friday-Saturday combination of July 6-7 will be a good idea since I have to fly on the 8th.
I'm fit and have prepared myself for the climb by reading articles about the preparation online. I wanted to know as to exactly when the Yoshida trail opens on July 1 (12 am exact?) and if it will be possible for me to view the sunrise.

If not, the other option for me, then would be to start climbing in the morning of July 1, see the sunset maybe, and descend. However, I read a few news articles on the internet which said things like "the first bunch of climbers who did the ascent on July 1" and so on.... So how did these guys exactly manage to climb so fast as to see the sunrise?

It would be great if you could help me. Climbing Mt. Fuji has always been a dream of mine and I don't want to have this opportunity slip away.

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Jun 21, 2018
Many start hiking on June 30.
by: Gary Wolff

Pourush, many Mt. Fuji climbers begin hiking the evening of June 30, even though the Yoshida trail is not officially open yet.

Please note that, weather permitting, you should be able to see the sunrise anywhere above the 6th station.

Also, although a number of Mt. Fuji huts generally open before July 1st (, the huts at the summit are usually not open before July 10, so those who climb before 7/10 are urged to take their own portable toilet in order to avoid polluting Japan’s most sacred peak & World Heritage Site. ​​

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