England's Industrial Revolution
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England's Industrial Revolution

by Ami Komo
(Suginami, Tokyo, Japan)

Now I'm taking a class about western history. During this class I learned a lot about England. So let me tell you the history of England! I have an examination in this class next week, so this is a good opportunity to review!!

First, I want to tell you that England is a part of Great Britain. I also couldn't tell the difference between Great Britain and England until recent days. I even thought that England was just a kind of nickname of "Igirisu." :-) How ignorant I am!!!

Perhaps many Japanese misunderstand about England. Great Britain consists of four regions: Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, and England! Especially, England is the center of Great Britain.

Somehow the English had an awareness that they were superior to Irish, the Welsh, and the Scots. I don't know the reason why they thought like that.

When the Industrial Revolution occurred in the 18th century, Manchester, which is located in the northwestern part of England, was the birthplace of the cotton industry.

By the way, when it comes to the industrial revolution, I have a surprising story. It is a theory that the industrial revolution was actually not a "revolution." The economic growth rate of that period was natural, and not surprisingly level, considering the increasing population.

So they insist that there was no "revolution." It is a marvelous theory, isn't it?? Not only this theory, but there were several other theories about the industrial revolution.

Western history is as complex as Japanese history (I major in Japanese history, but I can't understand!). But I'll study hard and get a good score in this examination!!

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Jun 30, 2015
Close Enough
by: Ben from England

Great Britain isn't made up of four regions. Great Britain is the island that England, Scotland and Wales are situated. The United Kingdom is a country made up of four countries; England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (the latter being found on the island of Ireland).

As for the English having an awareness that they where superior to the rest of the British Isles, I don't know where you heard that. We aren't superior to the rest of the Isles. After the Norman Conquest, the later ruling Normans began a campaign to subjugate Ireland, Wales and Scotland.

We weren't superior in nature we just had aggressive rulers that had the means to conquer the rest of the Isles.

Jul 23, 2011
Was the Industrial Revolution really a "revolution"?
by: Gary Wolff

Great story, Ami, and you raised a good point about whether the industrial revolution was actually a true "revolution."

As I said before, you have real gift for writing in English, Ami, and I hope you will continue to nurture and develop this talent.

Oh, and best wishes on that history exam! :-)

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