Famous Austrian joke
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Famous Austrian joke

by Keisuke Takada
(Katsushika, Tokyo)

"No Kangaroos in Austria" t-shirt

When I went to Austria to study German, I found a funny T-shirt printed with a kangaroo that said "NO KANGAROOS IN AUSTRIA" in a souvenir shop. I like it. Then I understood that English speakers are also likely to be confused by it.

I don't know why Australia is similar to Austria. Austria (Österreich) means just "land of the east" in German. And Australia (terra australis) means "land of the south," coming originally from Latin. Their similarity has nothing to do with their origin. What a wonder it is!

I have never been to Australia, but I want to go and eat a kangaroo's flesh.

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Aug 04, 2014
by: Amrita

I'm Australian and did you know that if you spell Australia a little bit wrong spell check changes it to Austria. It has happened to me a few times when typing really fast.

Jun 26, 2011
"No Kangaroos in Austria"
by: Gary Wolff

What a funny story, Keisuke.

It's kind of like an old man's gag joke, so I like it very much.

Yes, I think there is a lot of confusion between Australia & Austria, even among English speakers. The difference is only 2 letters: (a & l)

Thanks for the nice Austrian joke... :-)

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