From the past till now....
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From the past till now....

by Lumyong Pichanee

In my opinion from the past until nowadays, China has been a great country due to the country’s long history, wise philosophy, elaborate arts, and un-obsolete wisdom. China had been one of the first nations which had been using paper to record, so I think this is the reason why their history and knowledge are rarely lost in time, and even using it nowadays.

Chinese medical and fang shui (or in English it means wind-water) are examples of knowledge which are living and are the subject of attention by researchers to find the reasons in modern science why significant numbers of their theorems are working.

I have watched several documentary programs on interesting topics about China. The Hu Kaiwen Ink Factory in Anhui Province is one of places I learned from the program. How they keep processing their traditional methods was so impressive. Their method in making ink also keeps from losing time in the form of painting!

Not only ancient atmospheres have made China so attractive. There are plenty of big modern cities like Beijing or Shanghai. These varieties make China look like a time-machine for me. To taste this variety on only a short tourism trip is not enough.

I have been to Yuunan several years ago by tourism, and I thought it would be great if I could have more time to enjoy their natural and peaceful scenery. If I have a chance, I think I would like to visit China again.

p.s. When I watch Chinese films, I am always impressed by their arts, character, and scenes. It was so majestic.

This is one of the scenes from the film named "Banquet" (or "Legend of the Black Scorpion" in the USA). Although it’s dramatic and tragic, I was really impressed by the film from the beautiful scenes to the movie expression. And I have to mention that the sound tracks were very beautiful.

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Jun 28, 2013

thank you for finding so much exciting things about china and it is really exiting, is not it? wish you could come again and enjoyed a good time~!

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