“Funiculi, Funicula” is one of the most popular Italian songs in the world. This song is known as a “Canzone,” a kind of Italian music that has a nice melody and rhythm which is sung by many Italian people.
But very few people in the world know how commercial the “Funiculi, Funicula” song is.
This song was created as an advertisement for a mountain (funicular) railway in Mt. Vesuvius. Vesuvius is an active volcano in Italy and famous for destroying the city Pompei. In 1880 the mountain railway was built by the Thomas Cook Group and the song was made.
The mountain railway was trashed by an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 1944, but it was restored in 1990. The railway and Mt. Vesuvius are places of interest loved throughout the world, the same as the “Funiculi, Funicula” song.
And even though I'm surprised the song is a commercial song for a funicular train, when I listen to it, I imagine an Italian cook making pizza in a cheerful manner.
******** Andrea Bocelli sings "Funiculi, Funicula":
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