Harry Potter World
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Harry Potter World

by Saki U.

I love Harry Potter books! When I read the first book several years ago, I thought I really wanted to go to England, because there is a gate to the world of wizards and witches.

This gate is on the pillar between platform 9 and 10 in the King’s Cross Station. That gate is invisible, and usually closed. But, the gate opens only when the train, which goes to a magical school, comes to a platform. How wonderful!

Now, it is a tourist spot, and some of my friends who went to England to study English went there. I really envy them… But they could not go through the gate. I want to visit there and go through the gate someday.

Recently, the final movie of the Harry Potter series has been showing. I have not watched it yet. I watched all Harry Potter movies except the last one, so I want to watch it as soon as possible!

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Jul 18, 2011
my favorite
by: Saki U.

I like the sixth one "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" the best, because it is kind of sad story, but Harry could spend much time with Albus Dumbledore and be given a lot of valuable things by him. Its experiences are really important for after this story. So I like the sixth one!

Of course, I like the first one, too! It is the most exciting story. I think everyone may be surprised and excited, if they know they are a wizard or witch.

Jul 17, 2011
The final Harry Potter movie
by: Gary Wolff

How exciting, Saki !

I sincerely hope your dream comes true to go thru the famous Harry Potter gate to the world of wizards and witches in King's Cross Station.

Best wishes and thanks for your nice story...


p.s. Which of the Harry Potter movies that you've seen so far did you like best?

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