Hiking boots and walking sticks for rent at Mt. Fuji 5th Station?
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Hiking boots and walking sticks for rent at Mt. Fuji 5th Station?

by Firdaus

Just want to ask if they have places that rent hiking boots and the black walking sticks (not wooden) at the 5th station? Many thanks.

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Jun 01, 2017
Not sure, but maybe...
by: Gary Wolff

Firdaus, when I was at the Fuji Subaru Line 5th Station 2 years ago, there was a small counter set up inside the Fujikyu Unjokaku Lodge (located right where you get off the Keio highway bus from Shinjuku) advertising mountain climbing equipment for rent. Here are a couple of pics I took that day:



However, in the photos it states that the 5th Station shop is only for returning the equipment. Perhaps you should call them to make sure whether you can actually rent the equipment there.

Otherwise, there are lots of other places in Tokyo and at the base of Mount Fuji where you can rent hiking equipment: https://www.garyjwolff.com/climbing-mt-fuji-page2.html#43

Best wishes and happy trails...

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