How about starting from Fujinomiya 5th station and connecting with the Gotemba trail 6th station... at night?
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How about starting from Fujinomiya 5th station and connecting with the Gotemba trail 6th station... at night?

by Roger

Mt. Fuji shadow - Aug. 5, 2015

Mt. Fuji shadow - Aug. 5, 2015

Hello Gary!

Thanks for your wonderful website! I organized my 2014 climb by reading all your stories and tips and thanks to this, my climb was PERFECT! I had to choose the Yoshida because all the others weren't open the day I choose to climb (weather cast was very uncertain ... a lot of rain mid-July).

That's why this year I want to choose another trail (less crowded) and will go this August 2015 (two climbs expected on different trails).

I am not afraid about the Gotemba ascent trail... at least from the 6th station, that's why I want to try the climb by starting at Fujinomiya 5th station (easy to go with bus) and connect with the Gotemba 6th station by taking the "Hoei Crater path." This will allow me to climb at night in silence and avoid the "August" crowd (Japanese and tourists).

QUESTION: By checking the map, it looks easy to connect the two trails, but I would like to know if someone has made the same "circuit"? Is it easy to lose one's way between the two trails at night (even with a 520 lumens headlamp)?


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Jul 21, 2017
Good job, Roger...
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Roger, for your latest report.

I'm sure future climbers will be very appreciative to hear of the present danger from falling rocks in Hoei Crater!

Thanks again & happy trails...

Jul 21, 2017
Not by night
by: Roger

Hi Garry,

I went on the Fujinomiya trail again yesterday night. I'd try to make the Gotemba by passing by the "Prince Route" threw Hoei crater BUT it appears that its very very not recommended by information personnel due to some big rocks falling from the top of the crater (the place is not stable due to summer rain). In daylight its OK but if you try it by night you'll do at your own risk.
Safety first as we said in mountain climbing
Result, I do it again on Fujinomiya trail in 6h but as I get there too early I finish arriving on the summit at 2h o'clock ... cold, wind, but gosh it was at least 2h30 of waiting until sunrise. I decide not to wait and to descend by the Yoshida which is far more relaxing than Fujinomiya (and I watch the sunrise anyway). I Should have test the Gotemba on descend thow but I wasn't confident on descending some trail I don't know ... next time :)
Here his the report. I hope it helps.

Aug 06, 2015
Way to go!
by: Gary Wolff

Congrats, Roger! Glad you made it.

I also found the Fujinomiya descent trail a little tricky, and because it's so steep, I even slipped down a few times but fortunately didn't injure myself. :-)

Feel free to share up to 4 of your best pics (with captions) and I'll add 'em to this page. You can send me a message thru my "Contact Me" page and I'll send my email address.

Thanks again for sharing your story!

Aug 06, 2015
5 min short
by: Roger

Hi Gary,
I did it again (bullet climb) by Fujinomiya 2 days ago.
Weather was perfect. No cloud, almost full moon and NO WIND. All my cold clothes were useless (last year it was very cold on the summit). Even a guide told me that it was amazing that ot wasn't any wind. Ascent at night was OK. No difficulties for climbing, more easy than YOSHIDA (no big vertical rocks steps to climb).
Unfortunately I arrive 5 min after the sunrise. I did one or two unprogrammed pause during the climb and it changes my schedule. Anyway the sky begun to get red at around 4h20, it was very beautiful. I finally climb quicker (no traffic jam ^^) and just get on top at 04h50 but the sun was already up for 5min ... My watch probably make me a trick (^_^). Anyway I was able to see everything and the shadow of mount Fuji on the other side of the crater. THe descent was very very hot but the scenary very beautiful with the sea.I almost take an insolation but was able to drink enough and take rest at 5th station so everything was OK as usual. What I think about FUJINOMIYA trail is that the descent is quite tricky because some rocks are not easy to catch with the walking sticks and being tired makes me made some mistakes. YOSHIDA descent is more easy and even relaxing (^_^).
As my knees reminds me I am getting older, I will probably program another climb next year but not this summer again. I will try the "combo" next time.
Thanks for your site. I will use it agin next time

Jun 28, 2015
by: Roger

Thanks for the tips. I will climb again at night from 5th station and another one in day time this year (from 1st shrine by Fujinomiya trail). The good thing is that you can enjoy daytime descent and see the landscape at the same time.
I will check the facebook site and your pics from Fujinomiya.
PS : I will post here after my two experiences in august ... maybe it will help other people.

Jun 27, 2015
Maybe ok
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Roger, for your kind words.

I'm not a big fan of nighttime climbing nor am I that familiar with the Hoei Crater Route, but according to this pic I found, it seems to be very well-signed:

And here's the rest of that Hoei Crater Route photo album:

For other opinions, you might want to post your question in the "Hiking in Japan" Facebook group:
They're very helpful & supportive there.

FYI, I climbed the Fujinomiya route 3 yrs. ago & encountered no crowds going up or down on Aug. 21-22, 2012. One disadvantage of climbing at night is that you miss all the amazing scenery. Views of the stunningly beautiful, blue Suruga Bay from the Fujinomiya route were truly breathtaking. More details on that trip here: Climbing Mt. Fuji's Fujinomiya Trail (be sure to click open my Flickr photo album to see the stunning scenery I saw)

Best wishes...

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