How crowded will the Subashiri trail and the summit be on a weekday?
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How crowded will the Subashiri trail and the summit be on a weekday?

by Pim

Hi Gary,

My friend and I are making our way up Fuji via the Subashiri route this July and was wondering ​​how crowded the trail and the summit would be on a weekday? (we are going July 16-17)

Also, as the huts are a bit pricey, is it possible to spend 2-3 hours resting outside the hut from 10pm-1am before setting off to reach the summit?

Many thanks,

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Jul 06, 2015
by: Pim

Dear Gary,

Thanks for the info! And I hope you enjoyed Thailand while you were here.


Jul 06, 2015
Not so much till it joins the Yoshida trail @ the 8th station
by: Gary Wolff

Sawadeekap, Pim,

As you can see from this graph on my website, in general, weekday traffic is much as one-half less than weekend traffic: Number of Mt. Fuji climbers in 2014 by day and route
(red line is Subashiri trail, black line is total traffic)

Relatively speaking, the Subashiri trail doesn't get that much traffic till it joins the Yoshida trail @ the 8th station. But because July 17 is a Friday, you might begin to see the beginning of weekend traffic building up on that day. Also, that weekend is a 3-day weekend (Mon. 7/20 is Marine Day, a national holiday), and last year, the Sunday of that same 3-day weekend recorded the 4th highest number of climbers during the entire Mt. Fuji climbing season.

Although the huts are privately owned & so every hut's policy is different, I doubt any of them would mind you resting outside at nighttime.

Have a great trip...


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