How far is it from the Yoshida 10th station to the Fujikan summit mountain hut?
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How far is it from the Yoshida 10th station to the Fujikan summit mountain hut?

by Karen Perez See
(Tokyo, Japan)

Hi Gary!

Lovely site you have here!

My friends and I are climbing on the 18th of July (Saturday), and I'm so glad to know you stayed at the same hut we were planning to. I was almost worried why the hut doesn't seem to be that popular of a choice (at least from what I gather online) since most people seem to go for the huts at the 8th station.

Anyway, if it's not too much to ask, we were hoping if we can get your advice regarding our itinerary. This would be our first time to climb extensively and we opt to take the Yoshida trail instead because of the direct connection from Shinjuku. We were wondering if, by any chance, you know how long it takes to reach the hut from Yoshida 10th station? And also if there are any things we should take note of if we were to go on with this plan?

All the best,


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Jun 27, 2015
Thanks Gary!
by: Karen Perez See

That was really helpful :)

This is our itinerary so far. Climb in the early afternoon, arrive at Fujikan mountain hut to see the sunset, have dinner and sleep, and wake up just in time to see the sunrise.

However, since we now plan on taking the popular Yoshida trail, what time do you advise we start? I've heard it takes around 5 hours for the ascent, and I was wondering if there would be considerably less traffic during the day that it won't take as long.

Best regards,


Jun 25, 2015
30-40 minutes
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Karen.

According to the Ohachimeguri (お鉢めぐり) summit crater trail map on my Fuji FAQ page, it should take you about 30-40 minutes from the top of the Yoshida trail over to the Fujikan mountain hut @ the top of the Fujinomiya trail (click thumbnail image to view full-size map).

The only downside for me about sleeping near the summit was my first ever case of altitude sickness. Not a pleasant experience. On the bright side, from Fujikan it's just a short stroll up to Kengamine, Japan's 3776m highpoint, where you can catch an awesome sunset, plus you can catch the sunrise from right out in front of Fujikan.

Also, just outside of Fujikan is the highest post office in Japan, which last year opened for the season on....yep, you guessed it...July 18th. :-)

When I stayed @ Fujikan 3 yrs. ago, dinner was served @ 17:00, and sunrise/sunset on 7/18 this year will be @ 4:43/18:59.

Have a great hike...

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