"How Green Was My Valley" is a great film
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"How Green Was My Valley" is a great film

by Keisuke Takada

I watch more than a hundred films a year. I am crazy about film. When it comes to Wales, like many movie fans, it reminds me of "How Green Was My Valley" (1941). This film was nominated for ten awards in the 14th Academy Awards and won 5 awards (including Best Picture).

The film tells the story of the Morgans, a close, hardworking Welsh family at the turn of the 20th century at a coalfield in the heart of the south Wales valleys. I can't tell the story any more for those who have never seen it, but can recommend it to all of you. I can say that this film is a lump of sincerity and goodwill.

I understand that today's Wales is quite different from the age of the film because the country's main industry is no longer coal, but I believe Wales is still full of sincerity and nature.

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Oct 09, 2011
More than a hundred films a year
by: Gary Wolff

Wow, Keisuke ! "I watch more than a hundred films a year."

That is AMAZING ! Maybe you are a "movie-a-holic." :-)

I also LOVE movies, but you have me beat. :-)

Thanks for the great tip on "How Green Was My Valley." I will try to find it at my local video rental shop...

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