How late can you sleep in a Mt. Fuji mountain hut?
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How late can you sleep in a Mt. Fuji mountain hut?

by Amber

I have read on some forums that the mountain huts wake you up at 2 am. Is this true? What if we want to sleep until 6 am?

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Jul 19, 2015
It depends on the hut.
by: Gary Wolff

Amber, although I've scaled the 29 highest peaks in Japan & stayed in an uncountable number of mountain huts thru the years, I'm not all that familiar with Mt. Fuji huts. In fact, I've only "stayed" in 1, the Fujikan Summit hut @ the top of the Fujinomiya trail 3 yrs. ago. Of course, I rested outside of several when I climbed up the Yoshida route in 1991. :-)

I believe every Mt. Fuji mountain hut's sleeping policy is different and depends on its location and how far it is from the elev. 3776m peak. Wake-up time would then be dictated by when a majority of the guests are heading out for the summit to view the sunrise....obviously those staying @ the 8th station could sleep a little later than those @ the 7th station (*). On the east-facing Yoshida trail, you can view the sunrise virtually anywhere above tree line, so I suspect some hut managers might make some effort if possible to segregate guests who want to sleep in. In the case of the Fujikan Summit hut, "lights on" occurred @ 4 am, which gave us ample time to pack up and have breakfast before the 5 am sunrise.

In almost all cases, though, they'd like to have you "up & at 'em" by the time breakfast is served, so the hut staff can begin their morning hut cleaning regimen after breakfast time is finished. I'm not aware of any huts that'd let you sleep till 6. No interest in viewing the sunrise?

Hope this helps. Perhaps other visitors to this page will be kind enough to also share their experiences with Mt. Fuji mountain hut wake-up times. :-)

Have a nice hike...

(*) 7th Station, elev. 2700m, 260 min. to summit
8th Station, elev. 3100m, 160 min. to summit
Original 8th Station, elev. 3400m, 80 min. to summit

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