How Russia Affects My Country Most
by Tu Qingqing
(Chengdu, China)
Russia is a big country. It once was the strongest country during the Cold War, and it also has the largest field in the world. At the same time, Russia is also famous, because of its multi-culture and beautiful scenery.
As a Chinese, what has been closely associated with Russia? Maybe there are so many factors, such as trade & history. However, Siberia in Russia affects every Chinese a lot. Every year, the cold wind from Siberia will turn all of China to a low temperature.
Siberia is one of the coldest places in the world and the region of this place is very big, whose some parts are next to China. The number of people who live here is very little, because of the cold weather. And the average temperature is even below zero. If you try to use an iron spoon in the winter, it will stick to your tongue and be hard to separate.
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