How to find the Yoshidaguchi Climbing Trail from the Fuji-san train station?
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How to find the Yoshidaguchi Climbing Trail from the Fuji-san train station?

by Andreas

Hi Gary,

I am an ambitious mountaineer from Austria/Tirol. I am coming to Japan from the 22nd to 31st of August. In the first days I will climbing Mt Fuji via the Yoshidaguchi Climbing trail from the train station Fuji-san. I was wondering if you have more detailed information (map) than on your web page on finding the right way from this point?

Furthermore I would like to continue afterwards in the Japanese Alps for hiking. I definitely want to go to Kamikochi and do a round on the 3000ers of Japan. My last time in Japan was February 2010 where I was doing ski mountaineering all over Japan from Hakuba till Hokkaido. Me and my girlfriend did a mountain on skis every day during 3 weeks. I was a great experience and I wanted to come back to do some hikes in summer which were not possible during winter.

Could you recommend me a guidebook including a map for more detailed planning in the area of the japanese alps?

Thanks and best wishes,


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May 28, 2016
Camping on Mt. Fuji is illegal.
by: Gary Wolff

Tom, camping on Japan's holiest mountain & World Heritage Site is expressly forbidden.

But most Mt. Fuji mountain huts have outside rest areas with a few tables or benches where you can catch a breather. Or for a nominal fee, and if it's not too crowded, usually they'll let you slip inside for a short-term catnap.

If you decide to stay overnight, you might want to consider the Fujisan Hotel at the 8th Station (near where the Yoshida & Subashiri trails merge).

Happy trails...

May 28, 2016
Independent climb
by: Tom

Hi Gary,
I would say i'm an intermediate hiker having hiked all my life (including the Lares trail, Peru) but usually in groups. I'm thinking of ascending Mt Fuji from base to summit solo (or maybe with a randomer) with a tent and obviously some food. Would you advise against this? also is there any legal factors I need to consider?


Jul 28, 2013
Here's a map & trail guide for the Yoshidaguchi Climbing Trail
by: Gary Wolff

Hi Andreas, yes, you and your girlfriend are indeed ambitious mountaineers! :-)

I believe this map will help you up the Yoshida trail:

And this Google map should be sufficient to help you find your way to the trailhead @ the Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine (北口本宮冨士浅間神社) from Fuji-san Station:

If you change your mind about hiking the first part, you can catch a bus to the shrine or to Umagaeshi:
(schedule @ bottom of the page)

As for the Kamikochi-Yari-Hotaka Circuit, I believe the Lonely Planet's "Hiking in Japan" guidebook is best:

I have the 2001 version and it has a good write-up and a 1:75,000 map w/ 100m contour intervals. And because Northern Japanese Alps trails are so well-marked, it should be sufficient for your use.

Best wishes with your hiking....


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