I love your "What Japanese University Students Think About Brazil"!
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I love your "What Japanese University Students Think About Brazil"!

by Thaís
(Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Hi, I found your "What Japanese University Students Think About Brazil" today and I loved it!

Well, I'm Brazilian (half-Japanese) and I really liked to know something as it. Even though I lived in Japan during almost seven years, I was in a city with a lot of Brazilians so I have not talked much with Japanese people.

The point is: they said things that here we forget or even don't notice. Ami K. said that she thinks Brazil is "growing and revolutionary country" because of Dilma Rousseff, but even me, a college student, forget about how important is a woman as president, independent of ideology, because she represents a new reality that it's not found at some part of the world.

I felt amazed and proud - and OMG, it's very rare being proud of being Brazilian. At the same time i just realised that other countries don't study as we. I mean, here in Brazil we have to know about Europe and North America, a bit of Asia (a bit because some professors says it should be more), etc. But I felt relieved when I read good things, it was like "oh, they saw good thing in my country, so there really are good things and it's not just football, animals or nature", because I always preferred Japan to Brazil (or some other country).

What I want to tell you is: thank you. I love Japan, it's where my mother's family came from, part of who I'm, but I think I can love Brazil too. It's a small thing, but it was good.

I hope you continue doing this.

Oh, I'm going to see more of your website now.

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Oct 13, 2014
by: Gary Wolff

Bless you, Thaís, for your heartfelt comments. This project finished a couple years ago, but still gets a lot of feedback.

I'm sure there are many people who will appreciate reading your viewpoint.

Thanks again for visiting my site and for reaching out...


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