Is a sleeping bag required in Northern Japan Alps mountain huts?
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Is a sleeping bag required in Northern Japan Alps mountain huts?

by Thomas
(Dresden, Germany)

Hi folks,

I am going to do the 6 day hike from Murodo to Kamikochi in the Northern Japanese Alps in about two weeks time. During the trip I am going to stay in mountain huts Unfortunately I can't find any information if I do need a sleeping bag. As I will stay in youth hostels in some of the bigger cities in Japan I'll take a light "mountain hut sleeping bag" which is rather a simple bed sheet. Now I'd like to know if this is good enough or if a proper sleeping bag is required.

Thanks folks!

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Aug 15, 2013
Reservations are not required but appreciated...
by: Gary Wolff

Thomas, when I mentioned the possibility of unsanitary conditions, I was referring only to the bedding, not the huts. The huts are generally fairly clean, with the occasional exception of the toilets. :-)

If you're staying at the huts, you don't need to bring anything....even food.

Mountain hut reservations, although not required, are certainly appreciated, especially in August. It's better to call or email ahead and let them know you're coming...

Aug 15, 2013
Re: sleeping bag
by: Thomas

Hi Gary,

thanks for the quick response. I just take the chance to ask some more questions. Do I need to book the mountain huts ahead? Since the huts are not that sanitary as you wrote, I guess you recommend a sleeping pad and then my "light sleeping bag" right?

Thanks again!

Aug 15, 2013
No need
by: Gary Wolff

Thomas, bedding is provided in Japan mountain huts, but don't expect the mats, futons, blankets, & pillows to be that sanitary.

They're not necessarily dirty, but without a washing machine or dryer up there in the alpine country, there's no way to clean them other than to air them out in the bright sunshine. :-)

Have a nice hike!


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