Is it OK to climb Mt. Fuji the week before the official climbing season opens?
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Is it OK to climb Mt. Fuji the week before the official climbing season opens?

by Adam

Congratulations for a great online resource on Mt Fuji and Japanese culture.

I've read a lot of your supplied information but I was hoping to ask your opinion of our plans, if I could trouble you for a moment.

A Norwegian friend and I would like to climb Mt Fuji however our window is the week just before the season opens, 25 June - 1 July 2019.

Some things that I've read indicate that pre-season climbing is difficult to organise and ill-advised... however I note that some of the guest houses seem to be open in late June.

Could I ask if you have any thoughts as to whether its possible and which trails to use / guesthouse we might book into? We like the idea of trekking up late afternoon, resting in the guesthouse, then aiming for the sunrise summit and descent the next day... but would open to what ever you recommend. We are 50 yrs old but experienced snow campers / trekkers in Australia and Norway.

Many thanks for any assistance, regards


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Apr 08, 2019
Maybe ok, if you take certain additional measures
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks, Adam!

As for your Mount Fuji questions, if you and your friend are planning to climb the main Yoshida trail, you shouldn’t have any issues with climbing a little before the beginning of climbing season, but you’ll probably want to be sure to submit a climbing plan and take along a portable toilet for the sections of the trail near the summit where mother nature might call and there’re no toilets available.

More details on off-season climbing are here:

As for what time of day you hike, please check out the "3 plans to enjoy climbing Mount Fuji" section of this brochure:

Happy trails and thanks for visiting my site...


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