Is it possible to climb Mt. Fuji in April on my own?
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Is it possible to climb Mt. Fuji in April on my own?

by Ricardo

Congratulations on your website, by far the most comprehensive resource I've found so far on Mt Fuji facts and information, specially in English. Thank you so much for the time and effort you've clearly invested on your site.

I have a question for you: I will be traveling to Japan on late April, and I wonder if it's possible to climb Mt Fuji on my own. I know the official climbing season starts on July and huts will be closed, but since April isn't winter anymore, I wonder if my chances are better. I have some experience and all the technical gear, but would prefer to simply follow the trail (in fact, I think you're not even allowed to detour from it).

Thank you in advance, I'm sure you get many questions of this sort.

Best wishes,


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Feb 17, 2024
Can you recommend a guide who could help me summit Mt. Fuji in mid to late April?
by: Gary Wolff

Dear Matt,

Surely you must be joking. Perhaps you missed these very important life-saving tips on my website:
When is Mt. Fuji's official climbing season?

And here's an excerpt from my Climbing Mt. Fuji book:

"SNOW-COVERED MT. FUJI - Usually, snow starts falling on Mt. Fuji in late September. And accumulating over the winter, mid-April usually experiences the highest snow coverage. After this, the snow gradually melts with the increasingly stronger rays of the sun as summer approaches. The only time when Mount Fuji’s summit isn’t covered in snow is during the short 2-month July/August climbing season plus September."

Best wishes & thanks for visiting my site. But I hope I don't read about you in the newspaper... :-)

Feb 17, 2024
Can you recommend a guide who could help me summit Mt. Fuji in mid to late April?
by: Matt

Hi Gary
I’ll be in Japan mid to late April. Can you recommend a guide who could help me summit Mt Fuji at this time.

Jan 28, 2014
I understand.
by: Ricardo

Got it, thanks a lot. The video of the Sasebo article speaks for itself, and its photo gallery also gives you a very good idea of what the mountain looks like, even if the pics were taken during December instead of April.

It's hard to see the trail with that much snow, and in any case I should not go alone. I guess I'll have to come back some other time!


Jan 28, 2014
I wouldn't do it!
by: Gary Wolff

Hi Ricardo.

Thanks for your kind words. I'd highly discourage you from climbing Mt. Fuji on your own in April.

I can assure you it's still winter atop Mt. Fuji till early July and I seriously doubt you'll be able to see any semblance of a "trail."

I'd also encourage you to go back & reread this section of my Fuji page (thanks to your message, I've just added 2 new news stories), especially the 3 deadly reasons to stay off Fuji during the off-season, and the new story I just added about Sasebo sailors rescuing a 60-year-old man who fell off the summit of Fuji in Dec. 2011:

Good to hear from you and I hope you make a good decision... :-)


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