Is that the normal life in Australia?
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Is that the normal life in Australia?

by Yoonkyong S.
(Kawaguchi, Saitama, Japan)

Hyeon and her friends, at the party

Hyeon and her friends, at the party

Today's theme is the story of my friend in Australia. My Korean friend Hyeon lived in Australia 2 years ago. So, I will tell you about her interesting story about Australia.

When she was in Australia, she worked at an Italian restaurant which was owned by a local Aussie. One of her co-workers, who was also a local Aussie, had a big party at her house. So she couldn't wait to go there.

When she got there, it was such a lovely house. Also, she fell in love at first sight and started enjoying the party with many local Aussies. At that time, she could smell something very unique which she had never smelt before. And her co-worker showed homemade cookies to all the guests. Actually, they were quite delicious!

Hyeon, my Korean friend, said to the host, "What is this ingredient?! This smell is kind of special!!?" Her co-worker said, "We added marijuana to the cookies. My mother taught me how to make them."

Hyeon was totally speechless and very shocked at the same time. Korean people are raised in conservative surroundings, so in Korea this could not have happened in any way at all.

But she was in Australia, and she had the right to experience their real life. She tried to eat one cookie with a kind of fear. Surprisingly, she said "The taste was AMAZING."

I have never been to Australia. But, I want to go there some day. And then, I'd like to have a very unusual experience like her.

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Jun 24, 2014
C'mon...let's be serious
by: Anonymous

I know as well as any Australian that cannabis, marijuana, whatever you want to call it, is illegal in most states and decriminalised in the rest but Australia is the largest consumer of that particular drug in the entire world, a title we have held for several years. (With the exception being New Zealand) I think experiences like the one I just read are bloody beautiful and fantastic - curiosity and wonder are human nature, and we should actively seek new experiences to satisfy them. Which is exactly what she did, and I hope people continue to do.

Feb 11, 2011
by: Keita (Chloe)

Hello, Im An Australian Girl, I Liked The Story, But That Italian Resturant She Went To Was Actually Doing Something Illegal, Marajiuana 'Cannabis', Is Illegal In Australia, And Not Part Of Our Culture.

May 31, 2010
Marijuana is illegal in Japan !
by: Gary Wolff

Great story, Yoon-chan !

But I don't recommend you try that in Japan, as it is highly illegal here and if you get caught, you will be deported back home.....IMMEDIATELY. :-)

I, too, hope to visit Australia some day, but in my case, I think I'll skip the marijuana cookies... :-)

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