Japanese school lunch system for Muslims
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Japanese school lunch system for Muslims

by Kiho Muroga
(Tokyo, Japan)

I had a friend who was from Saudi Arabia and who was a Muslim when I was an elementary school student. In elementary school, we were provided a school lunch.

The school lunch was fixed by a regular menu. Therefore, every student was provided the same menu. As you know, Muslims cannot eat pork because the pig is a symbol of God.

But, our school lunch had a lot of pork menu, for example, pork curry, grilled pork and so on. In addition, slices of ham in salad are also pork.

So my Muslim friend couldn't eat a lot of the menu, and on “bad days” which had a menu like pork curry and ham salad, he couldn't eat almost any of menu.

I think the Japanese school lunch system is good, but also has defects. The system should be changed a bit for the people of every religion.

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Jul 26, 2012
a small correction
by: khalid al sudairi

sorry to interfere but i am from Saudi Arabia and there is some misconceptions which i hope i can clear.

we don't eat pork because we consider it an unclean animal, and we don't associate god with any creature what so ever.

sorry again and highly value your opinions and your comments. :)

Oct 23, 2011
No pork for Muslims
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks for your nice story, Kiho.

Yes, I can imagine many people of different religions sometimes have trouble finding food they can eat.

When flying on international fights, I often notice special food trays served to some of the other passengers, so I guess the airlines are pretty good about providing various food menus to accommodate different religions, or for vegetarians.

Thanks again for sharing your viewpoint...

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