Land of Laputa
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Land of Laputa

by Hiro M.
(Tokyo, Japan)



"Castle in the Sky" (1986, Japanese title: "Tenku no Shiro Laputa") is one of the most famous animation films in Japan. This film is directed by Hayao Miyazaki, and created by Studio Ghibli. Actually, this movie is inspired by the Welsh community and architecture.

Wales is famous for great landscapes and old castles. Director Miyazaki visited Wales and he got some inspiration for this film. For example, a flying island, Laputa, is based on Caernarfon Castle and Powis Castle in Wales. In addition, the mining community and its architectural style were modeled after the Rhondda Cynon Taff coal mining district in South Wales.

This film contains some messages which are environmental issues and criticism of civilization. When director Miyazaki visited Wales, he saw coal miner strikes. Those labor movements influenced his depiction of the characters in this film (I guess…).

If you are interested in this movie, visit Wales and feel the atmosphere of Laputa.

Personally, I have never been to Wales, so I would like to visit Wales someday. :)

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Sep 25, 2014
Howl's Moving Castle
by: a Welsh guy

another film that Hayao Miyazaki got inspiration from Wales for was Howl's Moving Castle

his films are great and he not scared to imagine :D

Nov 06, 2011
“Spirited Away”
by: Gary Wolff

Hiro, I don't think I've ever seen a Studio Ghibli movie, but I'd like to see “Spirited Away” someday.

Perhaps I can find a DVD of it w/ English subtitles. Last year I saw "My Darling Is a Foreigner" (ダーリンは外国人) at the Roppongi Hills cinema, where they showed it w/ English subtitles.

Nov 06, 2011
thank you for your comments
by: HIRO

Thank you for your comments Saki.
I was really surprised that Hayao Miyazaki got a lot of inspiration from Wales’s architectures. Actually, I went to Scotland last year. There are many historical places! You should visit UK someday!

Thank you for your comments Mr. Gary.
Have you seen Studio Ghibli movie? If you haven’t, you should see one of them.It's great.
My favourite Ghibli movie is “Spirited Away”.
If I have a chance to visit Wales, firstly, I’m going to visit capital city, Cardiff. For gathering information.

Oct 11, 2011
by: Saki U.

I didn't know that the Laputa's model is one of the castles in Wales! I think the UK has many attractive sites, although I've never been there.

Oct 08, 2011
Feeling the atmosphere of Laputa
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks for your nice story, Hiro.

You painted a beautiful word picture, which should make anyone reading your story excited about visiting Wales. And I'm one of those people. :-)

So, Hiro....if you can visit Wales someday, where is the first place you'll go for sightseeing?

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