Made in China
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Made in China

by Thong Nguyen
(Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan)

Fireworks were invented during the 7th century in China. As such, China is the largest manufacturer and exporter of fireworks in the world, with over 90% of fireworks being produced there. Around the world, they are usually used during festivals, celebrations, and holidays.

I love watching fireworks. Back in my home country, I used to live near a park which held a big festival every year. I remember hopping on the roof of my house and watching it without any obstructed view or people to block my way.

Sadly I can't do that any more since that house has been wiped out, but it was a great memory nonetheless.

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Jul 02, 2013
Made in China
by: Steve

I can't agree anymore, a lot of things are come from china, people go abroad then buy the souvenir is always come from china!!!

Jul 02, 2013
Chinese fireworks
by: Eduardo Rivera Jaramillo

In my country (Mexico),Chinese fireworks are very famous, but this more than just a fireworks show is a good excuse to have an afternoon and evening of food, live music, kid’s activities, and fun for the the whole family! And Guang I want to go to your country! But my friend Thong is a rich man, maybe he can invite me =)

Jul 01, 2013
Seeing the most beautiful fireworks in China
by: Guang

Sad to hear your situation.You'd better come to China and play firework until you get tired of it.!!! :)
Every year, most of Chinese boys play fireworks on Spring Featival and Lantern Featival, which are in the first month of the lunar calender. Using the porket money collected from our paraents and relatives, we buy as much F.W. as we can. It is really a great time to immerse yourself in a ocean of flower emmited from fireworks.
Fortunately, firework is also popular in Japan. I wish I could withness the Chofu Festival's Firework performance with you guys before I go back to China!!!

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