Merry Country 'Brazil'
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Merry Country 'Brazil'

by Nozomi U.
(Tokyo, Japan)

The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is the symbol of Brazil. It's regarded as one of the biggest shows in the world. A lotta beautiful women with gorgeous costumes and decorated cars take part in the carnival.

Every February before Quadragesima Sunday, it's celebrated. During the period, people dance with the rhythm of the samba all night throughout the country.

Another feature of Brazil is "the climate." 93 percent of the country belongs to the tropical region. The average temperature is a minimum of 18-21 degrees C.

I think Brazil is a lively country. A warm climate makes people merry, and it is connected with the samba that arouses through the country. It looks like Okinawa if it were in Japan, I think.

If I fail in my life, I wanna go to live in a warm country where the time goes slowly, and where I can taste the festival mood. So Brazil is FIT for me. =)

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May 29, 2011
Brazil: a warm climate and the samba
by: Gary Wolff

Wow, that's interesting, Nozomi. And you taught me a new vocabulary term: "Quadragesima Sunday" :-)

I never thought about the connection between a warm climate and the samba, but you may be right.

I highly recommend the Samba Matsuri in Asakusa held in August if you have a chance.

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