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Home: Highest Mountains in Japan: Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake

Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳)
elev. 2889m
Japan's 36th Highest Mountain

Got a question or story about climbing Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake?

When my climbing buddy & I scaled Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳) in Aug. 2007, it was our 2nd attempt, having failed 2 years before. On that prior trip we encountered very severe weather (including a lightning storm) on the morning of our 2nd day of hiking, so decided pack it in (back to Tokyo).  

Wise decision. In fact, on that same August day in 2005 a couple of hikers died in a landslide in the Daisekkei (大雪渓) (big snow valley) enroute to the top of Mt. Shirouma-dake (白馬岳), only about 15km north of us.

That abbreviated trip was a fun experience nonetheless and if you get a chance, you can check out my pics of Jii-ga-take (爺ヶ岳) and Tsumeta-ike-sanso (冷池山莊) from that trip.

But this time.....WOW. Clear sunny much so in fact that it got so HOT on our 2nd day of hiking, even in those higher altitudes I suffered from a moderate case of dehydration. My hiking buddy (15 yrs. my junior) left me in the dust and I arrived at the Goryu-sanso (五竜山荘) mountain hut (late for dinner) about a half-hour behind him.

Atop Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake
Atop Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳)
Aug. 12, 2007

In my defense, even though this route doesn't look too intimidating on the map, from the Tsumeta-ike-sanso (冷池山莊) (elev. 2410m) where we stayed the 1st night, you gain 479m up to the summit of Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳), drop 419m down to the Kiretto-goya (elev. 2470m), gain 344m up to the summit of Goryu-dake (五竜岳), and then drop 324m down to the Goryu-sanso (五竜山荘) (elev. 2490m), which was only 80m higher than the day's starting point.  

WHEW !! This is quite a workout for anyone not in tip-top shape. We started hiking at 6:10 am and I didn't finish till 6:35 pm. Ugh !! Well, as they say, a picture's worth a thousand words, so........have a look:

 Kashimayari-Goryu elevation profile
Elevation profile for Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳), 
Mt. Goryu-dake (五竜岳), & Kiretto (キレット)

But one of the nicest things about this hike was the way it finished.....with a nice soak in a hot spring. Hiking out the Hakuba Goryu ski valley, we were able to catch the Goryu Alps Daira Telecabin (ropeway) down to Escal Plaza in the village of Kamishiro, where we had lunch and enjoyed their onsen. From there it was a 7 1/2 hour bus ride back to Shinjuku in Tokyo. 

Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳) Pics & Video

I hope you'll have time to enjoy my pics and video shown below. The entire Flickr album of my pics of Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳), elev. 2889m, Japan's 36th highest peak, Aug. 11-13, 2007, can be viewed here.

The video of the Kashiwara Shindo Climbing Route (柏原新道) is just 25-seconds long, but has already been circulated virally throughout cyberspace. It'll make you wish you were there. Enjoy !!

Kashiwara Shindo Climbing Route (柏原新道), Northern Japan Alps
(25-second panorama of the spectacular mountains from Shirouma-dake (白馬岳) in the north, to Karamatsu-dake, to Goryu-dake (五竜岳), and to Kashimayari-hoppou in the south, taken from the Tomione ridge)
(If player above is not visible, you can view video @ YouTube here.)

My Google Map of Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake

In Oct. 2009 I created the customized map below, as I thought it'd be cool to see all of Japan's 25 highest mountains at a glance.

(zoom out to see all 25 highest mountains)

View 25 Highest Mountains in Japan in a larger map

Route Map of Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳)

The above route is exactly the same as mine, starting at the
Ogizawa bus terminal and ending at the Alps Daira Telecabin Station

Well, I guess that's enough for now. Please stop by again soon, as I intend to add more details later on this Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake (鹿島槍ヶ岳) climbing trip, including hiking times and expenses.

Better still, if you're the high-tech type, you can subscribe to this page by right-clicking the orange RSS button on the upper left.

If you have any questions, comments, or would care to share your climbing story, feel free to use the section below. Or if you prefer sending me a private message, just click on "Contact Me."

Thanks so much for visiting...

Additional links:
Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake summit weather forecast
Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake topo map (from Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)
Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake route map (2023 1:50,000 hiking map, part of the Yama-to-kogen Chizu series published by Shobunsha, available in bookstores and from Amazon Japan)
Shirouma-dake/Kashimayari-ga-dake area mountain huts, with 2019 opening/closing dates

Have a Question or Story about Climbing Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake?

Do you have a question or story about climbing Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake? Be among the first to pay it forward and share your climbing experience (along with up to 4 pics) with other visitors to this page still planning their climb!

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What Other Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake Climbers Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake climbers...

Is the Kiretto as dangerous as the Daikiretto?  
Hi Gary, how are you? I think the rainy season is gone. I'm planning to climb Mt. Goryu and Mt. Kashimayari-ga-dake both. I read your site and you said …

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