My funny cousin
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My funny cousin

by Kiho Muroga
(Tokyo, Japan)

I want to tell you the funny story about my cousin. When my cousin, Mizuho, was a university student in Kyoto, she studied abroad in London, England. She was very good at English, so she majored in English literature in university.

Therefore she wanted to study abroad in England for learning native literature. In London, she had a part time job in the library as a librarian, and she lived in a normal house. In short, she lived as not a Japanese, but as an English person.

But, when she wanted to send an e-mail to her parents or friends who are not good at English, she had a problem because there were no computers around her with which she could type Japanese. Therefore, she sought a solution of this problem for a long time, and she got it! She typed an e-mail in the Roman alphabet!

When I visited the house of my uncle, he showed me the e-mail from Mizuho:

“Otosan, Okasan, Ogenki desuka? Watashi wa genki desu...”
("Father, Mother, How are you? I'm fine...")

The e-mail was like the above. I laughed out loud! This is so funny, isn’t it?

When I study abroad, I will send an e-mail in the Roman alphabet! Therefore, I want to study abroad so much!!

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Jul 17, 2011
Typing Japanese with Roman characters
by: Gary Wolff

What a funny story, Kiho!

But to be honest, even though I have a PC that types Japanese characters, I always just use Roman characters, 'cause it's much quicker, easier, & more convenient.

Wakari masuka? Anata no monogatari wa arigato gozai mashita. Oyasumi nasai. :-)

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