My husband and I want to climb Mt. Fuji with 9-month old twins in tow
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My husband and I want to climb Mt. Fuji with 9-month old twins in tow

by Lena


I'm reaching out to you with a very ambitious plan - my husband and I want to climb Mount Fuji with 9 month old twins in tow. :)

We're both very fit triathletes and we've done some mountaineering in Europe, Morocco, South East Asia and South America, however the complexities of doing it with babies baffle us a little bit!

However, we're up for the challenge and we were wondering whether you know of any guides who would be able to help us and guide us.

I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for the information and knowledge you choose to share with the world!

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May 30, 2024
by: Lena

Hi Gary,

Thank you for your prompt response and for the insight and no offense taken!



May 30, 2024
Uh, don't think so
by: Gary Wolff

Sorry, Lena, no offense, but Mt. Fuji is Japan's tallest peak, is an arduous climb with high risk of altitude sickness, with very minimal medical facilities in case of emergencies, and so certainly no place for babies.

Can we take our baby up Mt. Fuji?

Is it ok to climb Mt. Fuji with children?

Hopefully you will find another less challenging, yet equally rewarding hike to enjoy Japan's stunning out-of-doors with your youngsters.

Happy trails and thanks for visiting my site…


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