My planned route for Mt. Yarigadake in June 2018
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My planned route for Mt. Yarigadake in June 2018

by Danny

Hi Gary,

I've been reading parts of your website during my research for my trip to Japan this summer and I've found it very interesting and informative. Keep up the great work! I'm also very impressed you've kept your website active for so many years.

I am planning on spending 4 days, 3 nights in Kamikochi at the end of June this year, approximately June 26 June – 29 June. On the first day I’ll be arriving at 05:50 on the express bus from Kyoto and I’ll explore the valley, begin acclimatising before getting an early night. The next day I plan to begin my 3 day circuit starting by climbing Mt Yakedake from Nishi-ito-ya Mountain Lodge and then staying at Nishiho hut that evening.

The next day I plan to traverse the ridge, including the Daikiretto, to Mt Yarigadake and then make my way down to the Yarisawa lodge. On the final day I’ll walk back down the valley into Kamikochi past Myojin pond. I was wondering what your opinion on this route is, whether it sounds reasonable and what the weather will be like at the time of year I am planning to do this.

From what I have gathered, the snow will have melted, rain is likely but it shouldn’t be too cold. I should mention I am very fit and have done walks with more ascent/descent in one day before although not at this altitude so I was going to ask if you knew anything about altitude sickness.

Here are my planned routes:

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Mar 08, 2018
Hmmm, sounds tough.
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks for your kind words, Danny. I’m afraid I’m not the best person to ask for advice about climbing in the Kamikochi Valley, as I haven’t done that route in nearly a quarter-century. :-)

At first glance, your route looks a bit ambitious for only 3 days of hiking (the 3 route links you sent didn’t work, by the way). Maybe you can start hiking on the 1st day you arrive, so you'd actually have 4 days of hiking. That is a very LONG route, and I doubt you'll need an entire day to acclimatize.

And I would be concerned about late-lingering snowfields, since we're now wrapping up one of the coldest winters ever in Japan with record snowfalls.

What I recommend is that you pose your question in the "Hiking in Japan" Facebook group​ (​ and I’m fairly certain that your questions will be answered there. Those folks are very helpful.

Oh, also if you need help with transport questions or with making hut reservations, the kind folks at the Tokyo Tourist Information Center, operated by the Japan National Tourism Organization, may be able to assist you: +81-3-3201-3331, open daily from 9:00 to 17:00​.

Best wishes, thanks for visiting my site, and be careful on the Daikiretto. Scary place! :-)


p.s. As for altitude sickness, there's a little info here on my Climbing Mt. Fuji FAQ, page 2:

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