National Flags of the United Kingdom
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National Flags of the United Kingdom

by Kiho Muroga

The United Kingdom consists of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales. Therefore, the national flag of the United Kingdom, the Union Jack, is also composed of the patterns of those flags.

Yet the pattern of the Wales flag is not included in the Union Jack. I think this fact is a cruel thing and Wales is made light of by the UK government.

I emphasize that the Union Jack should also include the pattern of Wales flag because UK should cooperate with each other & each region.

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Sep 10, 2013
by: Tomos Burton

My mother is Welsh and my father(who's left home) is English but he did some very bad things so I prefer to say that I'm Welsh. I've been learning Japanese for 6 years and Welsh for 5. I think the Japanese and the Welsh are both very passionate people. I like to translate Sentai and Kamen Rider songs into Welsh and then sing them. I'm a very big tokusatsu fan.

Oct 08, 2011
The Union Jack leaves out Wales
by: Gary Wolff

Thanks for your story, Kiho.

That's so sad about Wales' national flag. Maybe someday it can become a part of the Union Jack.

I'm not familiar with the various UK national flags & I didn't see any photos attached to your story, so I can only use my imagination. :-)

By the way, which of the UK national flags is your favorite?

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