One woman's story which is based on stars in Brazil
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One woman's story which is based on stars in Brazil

by Kiho Muroga
(Suginami, Tokyo, Japan)

When I hear the word “Brazil,” I remember a woman who is the daughter of my mother’s friend. She loves stars very much, and now she lives in Gunma Prefecture where stars are very beautiful. Why does she love stars?

When she was an elementary school student, she lived in Brazil with her family because her father had to work in Brazil. The starry expanse of the sky in Brazil was very beautiful, so she was impressed with the beautifulness and has loved stars since then.

When she was a high school student, she came back to Japan, and she had to take the entrance exam to a university. She wanted to study astronomy, so she applied to a university which has a school of astronomy. She took the exam, but she failed.

Then, she entered a university which does not have a school of astronomy. After she entered the university, she also joined a club of astronomy. She spent a wonderful time in this club because there were many members who also love stars.

In addition, she fell in love with one of the members of this club. After she and her boyfriend graduated from the university, they married.

Her husband is a researcher about Astronomy. After they married, they had to move to Gunma Prefecture because of his work. Now, she is in Gunma Prefecture, and she can see a beautiful sky of stars every day.

The above story explains her life is based on stars which she saw in Brazil. She has spent a wonderful life by stars, and, from now on, she can continue to do so, I think. I have never been to Brazil, but I want to visit Brazil, and see the ‘lucky stars’ very much.

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May 04, 2013
What A Wonderful Story...!
by: Yasuha Yoshihara

I envy her so much!So romantic!But I can't imagine the sky which is starry.Is it so beautiful that people are enthralled by?I really wanna see Brazil's moving sky,too!

May 29, 2011
Brazil's starry skies
by: Gary Wolff

Wow, what a fascinating & heartwarming story, Kiho !

I think that lady should write a book about this amazing story on "lucky stars."

And I can really appreciate her fondness for stars, as I've been quite a stargazer myself since my Boy Scout days.

Thanks for the great story...

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