Positive and negative sides of China
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Positive and negative sides of China

by Nozomi U.
(Tokyo, Japan)

China has made so rapid a development that the world recognized it. But then, the superheated economy so affects the world economy and itself. It became a situation that we can’t disregard it in the movement of the world economy.

The other day, I watched a TV show that some Americans, Chinese, and Japanese were discussing various themes. That was a kind of talk show. The theme was ‘who is the next world’s leader’. Some said ‘Although the U.S. has been a leader before, we should operate the world in cooperation’.

A Chinese said ‘It’s definitely China! Because we made an astonishing development’. An American opposed it and said ‘A leader is whom everyone hankers for. We admire the Chinese power of development, but nobody hankers for you guys. Therefore China isn’t a leader, I think’.

I agree with his opinion. That’s certainly true that China made a rapid development, urged eagerly to the world, and entered the top of world. Still there are lots of questions in their process (e.g. economy gap, environmental destruction, problems of quality, copied products, problem of population), so we can’t eradicate the credibility gap to China.

Sometimes Japanese consideration has negative work. Japan has to insist strongly to the world, but for China, they should quit a society for just nationalism and realize they are one of the world. Including China, we should make a world brightly together.

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