Saudi Arabia's unique financial system!
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Saudi Arabia's unique financial system!

by Ami Komo
(Suginami, Tokyo, Japan)

My image about Saudi Arabia is that they must have a lot of money. Because they have a lot of resources--that is, of course, oil!! Not only Saudi Arabia, but almost all countries in the Middle East have a lot of resources and therefore they can get a lot of money.

Recently I got interested in world contemporary history (maybe I said last week). So just now I'm in the middle of books about it.

The books say the Middle East has a lot of money because of resources. They can invest the money in leading companies in developed countries and they can increase their money more.

Companies in developed countries also can get money from the Middle East, so they seem to help each other. It's a very interesting system, isn't it??

Even more interesting, almost all countries in Middle East are Islamic. Islam has a unique financial system. They can't take interest from people!!

The Koran doesn't allow people to get interest when they borrow money. But they established a unique system where they can make a profit without interest.

An Islamic lawyer checks the Koran and makes sure a contract between bank, company, and people is legal. I think it is incredible for Japanese!!

Who cares about the teachings of Buddhism when people contract in Japan?? The Koran influences people in Middle East--not only their customs, even also financial rules!!

To know about Islam is very interesting, so I want to know about more!!

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Oct 23, 2013
What is Islam?
by: Md Sifatullah Bari

Dear Japanese brother!
I am not a scholar but an ordinary Practicing Muslim (convert from being an atheist).
What I know is that the core principle of Islam is -
"There is not God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger."
If you believe in this statement and brave enough to admit this in public, you are Muslim regardless of your race, country, color, etc.
Once we admit this, we have Iman (faith). Then comes the time for Amal (actions). All our actions in this worldly life must not go against the will of Allah, the Sharia, which is described thoroughly in his message (Qur'an) and his messenger (Muhammad) is responsible for explaining the message to the people.
This ensures that we live peacefully in this world and also get peace in life after death. This is why it is the religion of Peace, in Arabic Salam > Islam.

Oct 22, 2011
Islam doesn't charge interest
by: Gary Wolff

That's very interesting, Ami. I didn't know that, so thanks for educating me. :-)

I love reading your stories, as they are all very insightful and well thought-out.

Thanks always for sharing your viewpoints, Ami...

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